Sunday, February 22, 2015


 You know how much Daddy loves the number 22. Today's date is pretty much the reason for that. Feb. 22 is Great Grandpa Anton Zimanek's birthday. Today he would have been 101 years old. Daddy didn't just like 22 because it was his grandfather's birthday, although that would have been enough. He also liked it because Great-Grandpa Anton shot a .22. "It was the first gun I shot," Daddy says. From childhood on, your Daddy would always choose #22 for his jersey in baseball, basketball and football when he would play. It was a tribute to this man who your father respected more than any other man ... and deservedly so.

Grandpa was a pretty cool guy. What your Daddy said he felt from his Grandpa was unconditional love. "I felt it from him immediately. Don't get me wrong, he was strict. You worked hard when you were with him, but I loved it, cause it was fun. I would do anything with him," he said. He explains that one of the best days of his life was when he was 6 years old and had worked all day with Grandpa grinding corn, collecting eggs, feeding the cows and picking apples. Grandpa then took him to Mary Nelson's country store and gave him a dollar, where your Daddy bought the 1971 NFL preseason magazine with John Brodie, quarterback for the 49ers, on the cover. "I still have it," Daddy says. "It signifies hard work and love."

I asked your Daddy what he learned about marriage from his Grandpa. He said Grandma and Grandpa held hands all the time and kissed a lot. "They were never afraid of public displays of affection," he says. Great Grandpa always thought his wife was his beautiful bride. "This is even after 60+ years of marriage," Daddy says. "You can't make that up. You felt it when you were with him. I mean, they fought, yeah, but he would do anything for her." When they did fight, Grandpa would go take a walk saying he didn't want to say anything he'd later regret. I remember how precious they were together. Lot's of giggling between them.

Brad said a year before Grandpa died, they were sitting under a tree on a hill overlooking the Big Rock when he said to your Daddy, "Have sex as often as you can, because there will come a day when you can't and you wish you could." I personally remember him talking about Grandma's "fluffy pillows" when referring to her, ahem, chest.

Of course the first thing we always think about Grandpa is him singing "How Great Thou Art." He sang it every day with his dog Scottie as they walked a trail on his Sobieski, WI property. And I'm pretty sure both Ayla and Anton remember hearing him sing it. Your Daddy still tears up when he sings it. Great Grandpa loved the Lord. Your Daddy says he remembers seeing Grandpa get excited on Easter morning about going to worship the Risen Christ.

Your Daddy thought enough of Great Grandpa to name our son after him. It is the highest honor we could pay him and honestly a perfect namesake as one to emulate for Anton.

So Grandpa's marriage advice ... show love often, have fun, love passionately, work hard, take care of each other and love your Lord. We look forward to visiting in Heaven with him and Grandma one day to play a game of pinochle. Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Discussion: What do you remember about Great Grandpa Anton? Of his advice, what is something you would want to apply to your marriage?

Prayer: We thank you, Lord, for the life of Anthony "Anton" Walter Zimanek, Sr. He loved you, Lord, and set an example to follow in worship of you. We thank you for all our journey's in life and the lives that intersect with ours. In Jesus, Amen.

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