Saturday, May 9, 2015


While sitting at the Biscuits baseball game, I asked your Daddy if I could blog on his iPad, to which he responded "If you kiss me first." I happily obliged, then commented, "I am going to blog on persuading your spouse though erotic methods." We both giggled. I can't tell you how many times I haven gotten a "no" to something, flashed him and then got a yes. Here's the thing, he has never said, "Oh no, that won't work on me." Do I really think I can use that to persuade him? Um, yeah, sometimes. But honestly, like me enjoying the kiss, I think he finds the "persuasion" endearing. But - and this is huge - manipulating your spouse is not a good idea. It dances around honestly and integrity, and trivializes something that is genuine and pure. So while Daddy and I may tease each other we sincerely respect each other and would never withhold sex or love to force anything or use things like that to truly change what the other wants to do.

There is a scene in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding where the daughter is hoping her father will approve a choice she is making. She works with her mother and aunt to try to persuade her father to agree to her choice. The mother comments to to daughter that she doesn't need to worry ... that she will handle it. Her comment is "The man may be the head of the household, but the woman is the neck and she can turn the head whichever way she pleases." Men are certainly the head and like to make decisions for their family, and there is some truth that the woman has the power of persuasion to change his mind or tweak his choice, but you need to be very careful about your intentions. Be care to ask yourself if your motives are for selfish reasons or a blessing to you both.

Even better, pray before either of you makes any decisions at all. That way you will be honoring one another.

Discussion: Have you ever used a sneaky method of persuasion on your betrothed? What do you think of the quote from My Big Fat Greek Wedding?

Prayer: Father, we pray our intentions towards one another are honoring and a blessing to one another. May we think of each other in the highest regard before trying to persuade each other to our point of view. In Jesus name, Amen.

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