Sunday, March 1, 2015


Inconveniences are a pain. You know, when you hit every single traffic light. Or for that matter traffic is heavy. Or when something breaks down. Or you get injured. It can be exasperating. When you are going through it, seems nothing can make it right. Sometimes you even want to brush off the well-intentioned soul who says to you, "There must be a reason for it."

But the truth of the matter is, there probably is a reason for it. Think of the miraculous stories of people who were delayed to an event only to hear about an accident at the exact time you were to be there. Or was the delay intended by God to teach you patience? Or were you a piece in a far grander lesson for another soul in their spiritual journey. You may never, ever know why you are going through specific inconveniences, but it sure gives us a better perspective when we know Who is in control of it all.

I know Ayla had some frustrations with her Save The Date cards. They were to arrive more than a week ago, but somehow got lost in the FedEx delivery world. Online it said the package was delivered. Managers said it was still on the truck and on the way. The driver said it was left at the apartment door. So the folks in charge were confused as to whether or not the cards had been delivered at all. The end result was a do over at the expense of the delivery service, but not before many phone calls and frustrating wait times. What was the point?

Perhaps it was meant to see if kindness would be expressed in the face of irritation? Perhaps it was to call into question the responsibility of a particular delivery person. Perhaps it was the check on the integrity of the company? We may never know, but we can know without a doubt God knew it would happen long before it did. It is comforting to know our Father knows everything before it happens and can provide the way out, a solution, peace and the guidance we need in the midst of those "inconveniences" when we think to ask.

There will be many inconveniences in your lives together, simple and some major challenges as well. And no matter what the circumstance, we are called to be thankful (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6). Responding with grace will help also.

When you have been blessed in those circumstances to see the power of God at work, to completely understand the reason for the inconvenience and how the Lord worked through it, acknowledge Him and be sure to tell the testimony. For that may be the main reason you went through it at all ... that another may hear of the His amazing works.

Discussion: Can you think of a time when an inconvenience turned out to be a blessing? How can we uplift each other in these circumstances?

Prayer: Father, when we are in the middle of a challenge, it is sometimes hard to see the blessings in it. And sometimes, Lord, we never do. Give us grace in every situation. Help us to be righteous in the midst of it, gracious and loving. Thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ. In His name, Amen.

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