Monday, June 29, 2015

Glücklich Hochzeit Tag!

Since Miss Kayla has some German in her, and Anton studied the language in high school, we decided to look into the different German customs for weddings. Some of them are similar to others we've already discussed.

In the years leading up to the wedding, the bride will collect pennies which she will use to buy her wedding shoes.

In Germany there is a civil ceremony that takes place before the church wedding, because it's illegal to only marry in the church (could be America's future).

Plate smashing takes place the night before the wedding. It's called the Polterabend which means basically "the evening of broken porcelain." Breaking glass is considered bad luck. Apparently lots of broken plate pieces means lot of good luck. Sadly the bride and groom have to clean it all up.

The bride carries a white ribbon in her bouquet, then after the wedding hands out white ribbons for folks to tie on their radio antenna for a car procession after the ceremony. She also sometimes carries bread and salt with hopes of a good harvest and the groom will carry grain for wealth and good fortune.

Engagement rings are on the left hand and wedding rings are worn on the right hand.

After the wedding, guests throw rice at the couple. Every grain of rice left in the brides hair indicates how many kids she will have (so if you want less kids, I'm guessing avoid sticky hairspray). Flowers will sometimes decorate the hood of the car. Then the wedding party will driving around in their cars and honk their horns. People will honk back as a "good luck."

At the reception there will be speeches, a feast and dancing. The meal includes Hochzeitssuppe, a wedding soup of beef, dumplings and vegetables. During the wedding toast, the couple drinks from the brautbecher, which is pretty clever. The dual cup (either pewter or crystal) features a bride holding a small cup over her head. The top cup swivels and the couple must drink from at at the same time: the groom from the bride's dress on bottom and the bride form the small cup on top. Whoever finishes first will be the head of the household. Usually the bride wins as her cup is smaller. The couple's first dance is usually a waltz. Sometimes there is a newspaper made about the couple and given out to guests.

While folks here sometimes trash the car of the wedded couple, in Germany they pull pranks on the honeymoon suite. Sometimes stripping the bed or taking it apart, filling the room with balloons, or hiding several set alarm clocks in the room. Good reason to not tell anyone where you are spending your wedding night.

Lots of fun ideas to implement. Pick and choose what you like. Glücklich Hochzeit Tag! (Happy Wedding Day!)

Discussion: Were their any German traditions that peaked your interest? Which are definitely not an option?

Prayer: Lord God, each country or culture has such unique and fun options for a wedding. How fun to include the different parts. May You be glorified in each and every part. We pray this in Jesus, Amen.

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