Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Centerpiece

You know when you go to a restaurant or dining event and you're sitting across from someone and can't see them because there is an excessively tall or wide centerpiece right in front of you? You eventually get exasperated at leaning to the left or right to see the person, so then you move the centerpiece, or if that doesn't work, remove the centerpiece. Can't tell you how many times I have done this to see the people.

You will have an opportunity to create centerpieces for tables at your reception. A simple vase with flowers or an elaborate bouquet? A selection of votives or a candelabra? Buckets, baskets or mason jars? Confetti, shells or petals? Birdcages, balloons, topiaries? Centerpieces are the focal point of the table. They sometimes provide additional mood lighting to the festivities. They can be something personal to the host with framed photos, quotes or verses. The dictionary says the centerpiece is "the most important part of something" and that it should be impressive ...a statue in a garden, a picture on a page ... decorations in the center of the table.

But be careful that impressive doesn't mean overdone, lavish and blocking views when it comes to centerpieces on a table. We have seen some huge bouquets of flowers up on a tall thin pedestal so people can see each other. I saw another in a wedding magazine with a ginormous circular flower arrangement hanging above the center of the table with roses dripping down from it. It looked like it could fall and crush the guests! While large, elaborate floral centerpieces can be impressive, know they are also expensive. Anytime you have more flowers the cost goes up. Centerpieces can be impressive without being expensive. It require taste and simple sweetness, which can be equally beautiful.

If the centerpiece is "the most important part of something," and we know that Christ is that most important part of our relationship, perhaps the focus needs to be more on Him. That doesn't mean religious paraphernalia on the tables. It just means worry less about impressing others and more about impressing Him.Then whatever is there will be lovely, significant to the couple and pleasing to the guests.So have fun selecting what is unique to you, your colors, theme and design esthetic. And may the centerpiece of your wedding, reception, marriage and life always be Christ, "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever! Amen." Romans 11:36

Discussion: What have you thought would be nice for your wedding reception centerpieces? Tell about a centerpiece your liked. One you disliked. What is something that shows your life is Christcentric?

Prayer: Father in heaven, we thank You for Jesus and that He is the centerpiece of our life. We thank You for creativity in decorating. And we pray people will know just by seeing us who comes first in our live. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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