The other day I was reading a blog posted by one of Ayla's childhood friends named Lea Rackley Ehret. Lea is of the best writers I've come across, and has been since she was little. She is hilarious, brilliant, has a near photographic memory and a masterful manipulation of words and descriptions. You cannot help but be uplifted when you read anything she's written ... even a recipe. This post in her blog
Hey There, Wonder was dated June 15, 2014 about her father (
"100 Reasons Why My Dad Wins At Being A Dad"). While I know her dad, Lawson, I am pretty sure anyone who
doesn't know him would enjoy reading all her ruminations and blips about his various character traits. But there was one thing that stood out to me above all the rest (even number 58 which I am still giggling about) and that was number 29. She writes:
"When my mom got the car she drives now, my dad had said, 'I love seeing her this happy. She's like a kid on Christmas.' I was 19 at the time, and I remember thinking that that was it, that was the secret recipe, the special sauce, to what had been a generally warm fam life. Our parents just want to see each other happy."
I thought about that afterward with such warmth. Of course, that's the secret recipe! Who wouldn't fall desperately in love with their spouse over and over again if said spouse was all about making you happy?
Now before I get a bunch of comments like "Good gracious, it's impossible to make someone happy all the time," or "That's not my responsibility," look at from an agape standpoint. We are called to love unconditionally as God does. Isn't making the effort to see to your beloved's happiness all about that agape love? We're not talking spoiling someone with material things, and I don't think that is what Lea meant. We're talking about loving in all aspects from comfort, to care, to grace, to forgiveness, to laughter, to making memories ... to gifts.
Your sweet beloved will be the soul you will spend the rest of your life with. God has chosen this one to be your teammate, helpmate, partner, supporter and encourager and likewise you for them. Romans 12:10 in the New Revised Standard Version says this "Love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor." Other versions state that last part this way, "In matters of worldly honour, yield to one another" (Weymouth New Testament); "Excel in showing respect for each other" (God's Word Translation); "Showing eagerness in honoring one another." (New English Translation); and "Honor one another above yourselves." (New International Version). You get the point ... your beloved deserves to be loved and honored. Now know that verse is not for married couples. That verse is for all Christians toward everyone around them. If Paul was asking the Romans to do that for everyone around them, how much moreso should we do for our spouse?
I, like Lea, am convinced that's the secret recipe, something that originated with the Father himself. Christ says, "I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly." (John 10:10) If our groom, Christ, wants His beloved bride, the church, to have an abundant life, shouldn't we as spouses do the same?
Out do one another in love. Could be quite a fun challenge to do!
Discussion: Do you think it is possible to make one another happy? What are some ways you have made each other happy?
Prayer: Father, you have set the bar high for all of us in loving. We pray we strive to reach it in out doing not just our beloved in loving, but also all Your children around us. We have much to do to achieve that. Give us an extra Holy Spirit blessing to love with Your great passion. In Christ we pray, Amen.
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