Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Deactivating Days In The Past

Saturday when I was adding new songs to the Scott System at The River, as I opened the Selector software, this message popped up: "Deactivating days in the past." Basically it's cleaning the software to remove past scheduled broadcast days and getting ready to make room for the days ahead.

I love that statement. It's something we all need to do in our lives. Deactivate days in the past. Too often we hold onto baggage of the past, carrying it everywhere we go like Christian in John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress. And as we travel, that burden gets heavier and heavier, to the point where it's sometimes hard to go on.

You will find throughout your relationship that you will have arguments. Some will be over silly, petty things and just slip into oblivion. Others will be heated to the point where you may say things you shouldn't have. And still others may be tiny things that become bigger problems as you let the issue fester. The point is to not let those things become an unforgiving burden to carry. In the words of the hugely popular song from the Disney musical Frozen, "Let It Go."

When your Daddy and I look back on the past, I will often ask "Would you have done anything different?" to which he responds, "Nope, because it's brought me to where I am today." And he's right. It's done with, it's in the past and nothing can change it. It's brought you to this place you are at today, so let it go. Deactivate the days in the past. Don't let anything steal your joy. That is so much easier to advise to another in this than to accept yourself when you are in the thick of something that hurts, but the wisdom is there for the taking nonetheless.

Resolve, forgive and move on. Don't bring up past mistakes each other has made. Don't bring up things each other may have said that hurt. Let it go. The Christian is called to forgive. Not just each other, but ourselves as well. God doesn't want us to carry that or relive it. 1 Peter 5:7 says to "Cast your burdens on Jesus, because He cares for you." (Ayla can probably start singing the Donut Man song here. :) Psalm 68:19 says: "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." That's where that baggage should be: on the shoulders of the Savior, the one who has the capability to carry it all for us, freeing us to move forward.

Leave the past right where it is.Start each day with the same window Selector pops up with each time it opens, deactivating the days of the past. Move forward today in strength, courage and grace.

Discussion: Are there former things in your relationship or life that have a tendency to resurface? What do you need to resolve or forgive from your past?

Prayer: Lord, the evil one has a tendency to remind us regularly of our failings and those who've hurt us. Help us to leave those hurts in the past and move forward with peace and love this day. In the name of the sweet Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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