Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dog-on Love

Fiona had to be taken to the emergency room the other day. It's rare someone asks me to pray for a dog, but I was certainly praying for her. Praying until I fell asleep. Thankfully, she is okay. Fiona is a special dog. And while I am a dog person, I don't typically go bonkers over someone else's dog. But your roommate's boxador - Fiona - I love. There is just something about her that I fell in love with when I visited in August. Maybe it's because it seemed like she fell in love with me, too. With the kisses, and sitting right on or next to me or wanting to play. Even whining when I left the room. Who wouldn't love that?

I have commented to you before that we should love our spouses the same way dogs love their owners. Unconditionally, they love, just as God intended for us all to love one another. Christ says in Matthew 22:39 (quoting from the Old Testament's Lev. 19:18) "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." The original Greek for that verse uses the word agape for unconditional love verses phileo for brotherly love. And Fiona does just that. We talked about how when you come in the front door, she is so excited that her whole body wags back and forth, not just her tail.

Imagine that kind of love from your spouse. Greeted at the door immediately with a kiss and full body wiggle! Sitting on or right next to your spouse all the time, periodically kissing their face. Soft whines when they leave. How would you ever doubt you were loved?

While we giggle at how silly it sounds, there is some truth to it. I don't think the Lord expects us to be dog-on when it comes to showing emotion, but He does expect us to love continuously. And think about how a dog loves everyone, for that matter. They don't discriminate based on looks, size, intelligence or even returned love. They just love you no matter what.

That is my advice to you. Love like Fiona. Love all the time, with all the energy you have. Do not neglect to show love to each other every moment you can. 1 Peter 4:8 says to "love each other deeply" and Col. 3:14 tells us to "put on love" like you would put on clothes each morning. Proverbs 17:17 tells us that a "friends loves at all times." Do it deliberately, show it intentionally, feel it completely.

Discuss: What do you do to show how much you love each other? What are ways you like to receive love?

Prayer: Thank you, Father God, for examples of unconditional love, whether from a pet, or more importantly, from the sacrifice of a Savior. Help us to love as you love with our whole hearts and to show it in truth and action (1 John 3:18). In Jesus name, Amen.

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