Friday, October 24, 2014

Wedding Witnesses

Last week when your bestfriend Cristina visited you from California, you presented her with a ring pop and asked "Will you be my maid-of-honor." It was a sweet, unique and personal way to ask your "media naranja" (for the non-Spanish-speaking folk reading this: "the other half of your orange") to step forward in this special position in your wedding. She said yes as I expected even commenting that her future fiance would have to work hard to top that proposal. And I so enjoyed seeing the cards you made for the young ladies you have selected to be your bridesmaids. While each girl received a card with the same background on the front, you made each card unique to each girl, from the title on front, to the note inside, to the salutation at the end. Inside jokes abounded as you preciously asked each one to serve. You wanted each young lady to have her own personal invite, taking you much time as you created each one.

Choosing bridesmaids or groomsmen is mostly a selection of close friends these days. The bridesmaids plan showers and bachelorette parties, help the bride with decisions prior to the wedding and assist her during the wedding. The groomsmen are supposed to similarly assist the groom.

But years and years ago, being a bridesmaid or groomsman was a scary prospect. Roman law required 10 witnesses to a wedding, five looking like the bride and five like the groom. This was done for two reasons: One was so that evil spirits would be confused as to which was the bride and groom to prevent cursing them; Another was so that kidnappers wanting to hold brides for ransom for their dowries wouldn't know which woman was the actual bride. The groomsmen were to help the groom fend off attackers and protect the bride. Tough job! Cursed or kidnapped?! Brave young women said yes to the bridesmaid request centuries ago. It's far safer now. The toughest part these days is coming up with the funds for the dress, tux or shoes!

When you and I were talking about who would be in your wedding party, I said, "Select friends who value that this is a bond before God and will hold you accountable in your marriage." Ephesians 4:1-6 says "I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." That witness before God to us is the most important part of their jobs. I think you have certainly done well in selecting folks to do that for you. And I believe as you have served in several weddings, you have done the same. How fun it is to face the love of your life and say your vows as your dearest friends stand with you to back you up and rejoice with you. How blessed you both are to have such wonderful friends to count on!

Now the next tough part ... what will they wear?

Discussion: Tell each other why each person was selected to be part of the bridal party. How have these individuals inspired your spiritual journeys?

Prayer: We thank you, Father, for the sweet souls you have brought across the paths of Rob and Ayla, who have uplifted them in this journey of life. And we thank you in advance for those who will serve on the wedding party. We ask for blessings for all of them as each will have quite a journey to make next fall to get to the wedding. We love you so much. In Jesus, Amen.

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