Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Bloom and Grow

On our 20 anniversary, when we lived in Appleton, Wisconsin, Brad and I planted a red bud tree in our front yard. We chose a red bud because it blooms bright pink, tiny flowers in the spring and sports heart-shaped leaves in the summer. We figured it was a perfect tree to symbolize the love we shared for 20 years. So when we moved, I wondered if that twig of a tree would grow long after we'd gone.

When we went back to Wisconsin in August for Grandma Jar's funeral, I made sure we drove by our old home. I wanted to see how the 20th anniversary tree was doing. It was gorgeous! In the seven years since we'd planted it, it was flourishing and lush. I can only imagine it is breathtaking in the spring. Though the new owners have no idea the significance of that tree, I am sure when it blooms it brings them happiness too.

We like to think of marriage that way, too. While it's a joining of the two of you in love and happiness, it should be a beacon of you both to those who observe you. And trust me, people will be watching, especially your children. They will watch how you are together. People may specifically watch for you to fail, having a sarcastic view of any marriage's success. Others may watch to see how a Christian marriage works. Are you caring? Do you talk about one another in a loving, edifying way? Do you show outward affection when together? Do you work as a team in serving the Lord? Do you encourage one another? Do you beautifully bloom, lushly grow and reflect God's glory ... just like the red bud?

We have an area at our Alabama house in the front corner flower bed where I have attempted to plant several trees. Twice I planted palm trees in that spot, and twice they succumbed to winter temperatures below 20-degrees. Then I planted a dogwood. Again, it died, shriveling branch by branch. This past spring, I found a red bud on clearance at a local hardware store. A sprout of a tree, I brought it home to plant in my unsuccessful location. We'll see how it fairs this winter. Remembering the significance of the red bud to us, I sure wish we'd have tried it first. I can't help but smile when I see its leaves, now yellowing in autumn. We look forward to its full bloom next spring! And like our marriage, hope that tree grows and grows year after year, beautiful and full, just as we pray yours will.

Discussion: Where have you observed successful marriages? What do you think makes a successful, loving marriage?

Prayer: Lord God, You have made creation such a beautiful reminder of how much You love us. How awesome You are, Father, to have made such a lovely tree with heart-shaped leaves! Lord, help our marriages be a reflection of that love in every way. In Jesus, Amen.

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