Saturday, November 8, 2014

Conquer the World

Lately I have been fascinated with watching the Duggar family reality show called 19 Kids & Counting. I think I ignored the show when I first heard about it, thinking having that many kids was just crazy. But I stumbled across it about six months ago and was impressed by what I saw in these reruns with regards to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's parenting skills and their dedication to their faith.

But most recently I have been captivated by their older daughters' courting, engagements and weddings. Of course, I always love weddings, but these were amazing for different reasons. These girls and their significant others have imposed strict rules on themselves during the pre-wedding process in efforts to keep themselves pure for marriage. Those rules include: side hugs only, chaperones at all times, no holding hands until you're engaged and no kissing until marriage. In today's culture these things are just unheard of! But what impressed me about their rules is not only how much these girls respected themselves enough to hold themselves to these standards, but that the men they loved did as well. You never saw those boys pressure those girls in any way. The rules were the rules, and they were worth the wait.

Now we're not saying that all couples should side hug only, not hold hands and the rest, but, those physical drives are very real, and when you open that door just a crack ... well, sometimes the door swings all the way open.

Culture today encourages, sometimes even pushes, couples to go way beyond holding hands and kissing. It is considered normal for people to have sex on first dates. And to be dating for awhile or even engaged and not be having sex, good gracious, what's wrong with you!?

I read a recent bridal magazine that suggested if you're going through a lot of stress in planning your wedding, to get in the bedroom and have sex. Then everything will be alright. Say what?! Says who?

We know the two of you had the opportunity to move in together, and we know you discussed it at length. And you know that we prayed diligently that you would be obedient to your faith. We were witness to several moments where the Father was gently reminding you to Whom you belonged and what He required. And how grateful to Him we were when we heard you had decided to wait until after your wedding. While the wait seems long, might even not make sense from the financial standpoint, we can guarantee being faithful to the Father will be such a blessing in the end in many ways.

It is our prayer that men and women will hold themselves to higher standards, those of their Father, and remember that they are worth respecting, valuing, cherishing and waiting for. Our Father says we show our love for Him in that we are obedient to Him. 1 John 5:3-4 says, "For the love of God is this, that we obey his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome, for whatever is born of God conquers the world." 

Praying the two of you conquer the world.

Discussion: How important is being obedient to God to you? Is it difficult to go against culture or even your desires to be obedient? What rules have you set for yourself to remain obedient?

Prayer: Lord, you created us with longings to be together, a bond so beautiful in its creation. Thank you, Father, for such a beautiful gift. Help us to be obedient to you, love each other, respect each other and likewise ourselves. We are worth it. We know it, because you died for those many times when we've been disobedient. We love you, Father. In Jesus, Amen.

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