Sunday, July 26, 2015

Don't Go To Bed Angry

One piece of advice that you will get over and over again when you speak to married couples is "Never go to bed angry." They never tell you why you shouldn't, they just say you shouldn't. And I wonder how many of them know they are actually quoting Scripture when they say that. Ephesians 4:26 says,"Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger." It's verse 27 that gives us the why, "And do not make room for the devil." 
When Daddy and I have gone to bed angry it is not a pretty thing. Neither of us can sleep. We toss and turn all night, which makes us crankier in the morning. There's still no resolution to whatever we were angry about the night before, so we're still pretty much angry. It's a lose-lose situation all the way around, giving the devil a whole lot of room to work with. You can resolve to "Never go to bed angry," but you will need a plan to avoid doing so, because we guarantee you, at some point you will get angry before bedtime.

The solution ... take it to the Lord in prayer. If more couples stopped mid-argument to pray and ask God for wisdom and direction, there would be a lot less anger. Of course, when you are in the throws of that, it's hard to pull yourself out of the emotional part and think clearly or wisely enough to think to pray. But try to be proactive about that.

Another simple help is to have this hanging above your bed.
It's kinda hard to kiss someone and stay angry with them. So do what you can to avoid putting head-to-pillow while frustrated with your spouse. Pray about it. Talk it out. And remember to always kiss each other goodnight.

Discussion: Have you ever ended a night angry with each other? How did you resolve the situation? How could you have done it better?

Prayer: Father God, we ask that when we are betting carried away with our anger,
your Holy Spirit would remind us to go to you for direction. And we pray that well we love and cherish one another deeply and remember to kiss each other goodnight every single evening of our marriage. In Christ we pray, Amen.

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