Friday, August 21, 2015

Content In Any Situation

I will never forget visiting a friend once and looking as she opened her pantry. In it she had two or three of everything from canned goods to cleaning products. I remember being awed by it. She noticed and said, "When I was little, we had nothing, so I make sure I have plenty of extra around." The reason I was awed was because in our financial state at the time we were lucky to have the one we used let alone extras. When we ran out, we got more, unless the money wasn't there, in which case then we went without. At that point, I couldn't imagine having an extra bottle of laundry detergent, extra box of cereal or second box of Q-tips.

I also remember the first time I got a paycheck for a job I loved. I remember weeping thinking someone was actually paying me to do something I enjoyed doing. I was honored by it, almost feeling undeserving. I think when God gifts you with a talent and you use it to serve him, it's humbling when someone wants to pay you to use it. But I was also used to making so much less, that receiving a larger paycheck was a bit of a shock.

I remember times of turning down invitations to go see something with friends because the money just wasn't there. I remember a number of Ramen noodle soup lunches. I shopped thrift and discount stores for our clothes, furniture and other household needs (still do, actually - I enjoy finding treasures). I rejoiced (and still do) when friends gave me hand-me-downs.

But I don't remember going hungry. I don't remember worrying about filthy windows just because I was out of Windex. I don't remember having nothing to wear. I don't remember ever not having a warm place to lay my head in winter. So even our "for poorer" was far richer than many will see in their entire lives.

It did give me a respect for what I have and a desire not to waste money. I am always searching for the better deal.

My sweet ones, you may end up being financially set in the future with not a monetary care in the world, and honestly I wish that for you. But then again, you may have times where the dollar isn't stretching as far as you wish it would. You will learn from both. You will be blessed in both. Proverbs 22:2 says, "The rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all." And 1 Samuel 2:7 "The Lord makes poor and makes rich; he brings low and he exalts." And Philippians 4:12 "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." We pray whatever situation you find yourself in that you praise the Lord and remember those who have less than you. Remember where your money comes from and to Whom it belongs. And bless the Kingdom with it. 

Discussion: Tell of a time when you were in plenty. In want. What did you learn from those experiences? How can you bless others in the times of want? What are things you do now to not be wasteful?

Prayer: We give thanks to you, the Most High God, for any blessings you give us. We know all good things come from you. Thank you for caring for us. Help us to be wise and generous with what we have. And may you always be glorified in it. In Jesus name, Amen.

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