Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Status Flow

When Daddy gets up first thing in the morning, he slaps some water on his face then heads straight to the Keurig coffee maker. Gets the java ready, then shuffles down the driveway to pick up the newspaper. After picking up his coffee, he's slumped into his cushy chair, feet propped up on the ottoman while he reads the paper, then checks his work emails. Then a shave and shower. It's the same thing every single day. I know the man has to have his coffee and paper to start the day. Mornings aren't my favorite part of the day, but my routine isn't quite as ridged. I make the bed, open the blinds, do my devotional, get breakfast, put on the make up, put in the contacts ... but not necessarily in that order. You can approach me and I won't bite your head off. I never need coffee to start my day (seriously ... can you see adding caffeine to this body?). Daddy and I have been married nearly 28 years, so we pretty well know how the morning goes. The point is to be understanding of how your future spouse is in the mornings ... or the evenings for that matter.

For Tone he's up at the alarm and makes his way to the couch to check his phone. Then it's a shave, shower, maybe a coffee, maybe breakfast, maybe make a lunch. I know Kayla has to have her morning coffee as does Ayla.

It's interesting when looking at all the different humans and their behaviors to note that God created us in His image. Does God need coffee to start His day? Does He go to computer central to get updates on the 7 billion people of the world? Does He head to the throne room to listen to the zillions of prayers beseeching Him. Does He change from the pajama robe to a more sparkly royal robe? Now, of course, these are all said tongue in cheek. God never sleeps, so he really doesn't need anything to get His day going. And He's omniscient, so there's no hard drive to catalog the world population's issues. But we know He created us uniquely, with all are quirks and goofiness and talents. Scripture tells us in Psalm 139:14, we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." And what are we made for? To give God glory in all we do. Some of us just take a little longer to do that in the morning.

We hope you will be accommodating towards one another when getting used to each other's morning and/or evening routine. Know that although you love each other dearly, you are unique and each may require your own space and regimen. That is just being understanding and supportive of each other. At the same time, know that you will be getting to know each other more fully when you're married, so be gracious in responding to your spouse when they may not have as yet figured out your habits. You'll figure it out ... and it will work synchronously like a treble and base clef, so you can make beautiful music together. (Yeah, that was cheeky, but true!)

Discussion: What are things you have to do in the morning to start your day? What are things you have to do to end your day?

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