Wednesday, August 19, 2015

For The Long Haul

Today is Jadoosh and Busha's 54th anniversary. And I think if you asked them, they would say these have been the most blissful, beautiful, perfect, carefree, fun, romantic, loving, financially-easy, fairy-tale 54 years. And if you believe that, we have a great deal for you on a bridge we're selling. If they are reading this right now, they are giggling, knowing those 54 years have not all been rosy. There have been challenges as they have certainly seen both sides of "good times and bad," "in sickness and in health" and "for richer or for poorer." But I can also guarantee you they will say, regardless of the circumstances in their marriage, there has always been love.

They are a precious couple. Dad Z's the more boisterous of the two: fun, energetic, adventurous and hard working. Mom is quieter: precious, patient, sweet, generous, caring and also hard working. They come from backgrounds where they know what it takes to make things work and appreciate what they have. They both care for their church, neighbors and family. They reach out to the hurting. They know how to have fun and know when to let each other go off and have it. They enjoy road trips together. They adore their grandchildren (just ask them to pick a favorite, I dare you). They compliment each other beautifully, knowing each other's quirks and habits. You may hear a "No, Honneeey," coming from Dad and a "To-ny," coming from Mom, but they've been together long enough to know what both of those really mean, and neither comment is demeaning or a deal breaker for either of them.

They are in love. They have loved each other for more than 54 years. And they have loved others in the process. God brought them together as a team to do great and glorious things for Him. And they will continue to.

If there is one thing I am proud to say your Daddy comes from, it's a long line of successful marriages. His grandparents, great aunt and uncle, his parents, his aunt and uncle on his paternal side and several aunts and an uncle on the maternal side ... all have had successful, long marriages. These folks married for the long haul and have been devoted to their spouses through successes and failures. It gives me peace knowing these are the examples my beloved has had in his life. And he is setting the same for our children.

We celebrate the marriage of Anthony and Barbara today. We rejoice with them and praise God for them. This is how it's done, and done well. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad Z. We love you.

Discussion: What have you observed about people who have been in long marriages?  Share a story about Jadoosh and Busha.

Prayer: Lord God, we thank you for those who have placed their trust and confidence in you and have been true to their vows. We thank you for Tony and Barb and ask for your blessings on their marriage and the years to come. In Jesus we pray, Amen.

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