Monday, August 31, 2015

In His Hand

I'll never forget it. One of my co-workers at Sears Portrait studio back in Green Bay, WI, in the 1990's grabbed my hand and said, "I can read palms." Inwardly I chucked, because I think palm readers are a bunch of hooey, but I said to her, "Okay, go ahead and tell me how long I'm going to live." Checking out the creases in my hand she said, "67." I curled my fingers into my palm and thought, "Way to throw out any old number and not have to be accountable for the result, but, alright, I've got lots of good years ahead if she's right."

Again, I think it's balderdash, but she seemed quite confident in her assessment of the lines God placed in my hand. I have no idea how those lines made her come to the 67 conclusion, but that's where she settled. Perhaps God has chosen to number my years at 67, but He and only He knows that time. Job 14:5 tells us He's "determined our days" and Psalm 139:16 says, "In your book were written all the days that were formed for me, when none of them as yet existed," so God has this covered. Matter of fact, it says in Job 12:10 "In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind." Nice to know my life is nestled in the hand of the Creator.  He'll decide that day when my heart stops beating. Until then, my life belongs to Him and His purpose for me. And I trust Him completely with it.

That is what we want for you. No, not a good palm reading, but rather trust that God has you completely in His hands. Matter of fact we're told in Isaiah 49:16 that He has us "inscribed on the palms" of His hands. How much more poignant that becomes when you realize those palms were pierced for us. Talk about inscribed on palms. He's in complete control, has the plan, and we can rest assured in that.

Anton and I were talking yesterday about his future job move. I mentioned something I have told my children many times over the years. That when you have a child, it's like having your heart walk around outside your body. It's a very vulnerable place to be. You want to protect your child - no matter what age they are - from all harm. But Anton assured me of something that melted me. He said, "Mom, I'm been praying about every part of this." What this said to me was, "Mom, I trust God, and He's got this," and if there is anything that can give me peace, it's those words. 3 John 1:4 says, "I have no greater joy than to know my children are walking in the truth." We trust our lives to the Almighty. To know our children do as well, is quite reassuring. 

Your days are numbered. Your days are part of His perfect plan. Trust Him and have peace in knowing He has it all in control ... no matter how long the lines in your palm are.

Discussion: How confident are you that God has your life in His hands? What gives you that confidence? Is there any part of your life you haven't trusted God with?

Prayer: Father, we thank you for our days ahead. We trust your plan for us is for our good and your glory. When we struggle in our days, help us remember you have it all in your hands. In Christ, Amen.

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