Monday, August 17, 2015

Settlings of Silver

My sweet baby girl is 25 years old. A quarter of a century has passed since the afternoon when she entered our lives. A head full of black hair and blue eyes, she was one of the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. I didn't recognize me in her when I saw her tiny face. It wasn't until I saw a picture of Brad as an infant that I realized she looked just like him. She was so little, only 6 pounds, 13 ounces. One to always play with dolls as a child, I finally had a living one to cuddle, kiss, dress and care for. God combined her Daddy and I beautifully and this tiny princess was fashioned. We were instantly in love. We named her Ayla Elizabeth, and our journey began with her.

Her first joyful smile came at 3 months. She became a green-eyed blonde by a year. She was spelling words at 18 months. She became a big sister at 2. She was dancing, swimming, reading, singing, playing pretend and creating all throughout her childhood. A woman who saw her once, exclaimed, "She's like sunshine!" We moved from Tennessee, to Wisconsin, to Georgia, to Wisconsin in her school years. She owned a business in grade school, won many awards, graduated high school second in her class. Ayla had her Bachelor's by age 20 in North Carolina, an internship at Disney World and her Master's in Rhode Island by 22, pursuing her love of the culinary arts. And now she's in love with Robert Goggin and planning a wedding in Florida.

She is driven, energetic, adventurous, creative, brilliant, caring and generous. She has excellent managing and organizing skills. She loves to travel, scrapbook, run, read and cook. She loves sparkles and all things Disney. She has a deep loyalty for friends and goes out of her way to make them feel special. And she loves her Lord and Savior. For us: "I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (3 John 1:4) And this cannot even begin to encapsulate her life and what she means to us. She is not just our daughter; she one of our best friends.

Today is the silver anniversary of her birth. When we were her age, one of the greatest things to ever happen to us occurred ... she was born. We celebrate these 25 years and excitedly look forward to what the future years hold for her. Happy Birthday, daughter! May this year be the best one yet! We love you.

Discussion: Share an Ayla memory.

Prayer: Father, we thank you for our daughter and the 25 years you have gifted to her. We pray, Father, for your continued blessings in her life and pray her journey to you is filled with many opportunities to love your children. In Christ, Amen.

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