Saturday, October 10, 2015

Do You Feel God's Pleasure?

I read a quote from actor Hugh Jackman from Parade magazine the other day where he was describing his faith. He talked about how he dedicated all of his performances to God. He said, "This is going to sound weird to you. In Chariots of Fire the runner Eric Liddell says, 'When I run, I feel His pleasure.' And I feel that pleasure when I act and it’s going well, particularly onstage." I thought that was a beautiful way of looking at the talents and gifts the Father has given you and getting affirmation from him. We live in a world were people are constantly seeking approval from other people. Jackman said he too struggles with people pleasing. But feeling that approval from God in utilizing what He's gifted us with, I think, is a beautiful way of looking at our uniqueness.

I have a huge desire to please. I want people to like me. When they don't, it's devastating for me. But God doesn't want us to seek the approval of man. Galatians 1:10 says: "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." This comment has to do with being in and not of the world. In other words, are we trying to be politically correct, socially acceptable or are we sticking with the what God would want? However, it's a good mantra for every day life. If we are living every moment of every day trying to please God, wouldn't our actions, attitudes, responses, etc. be more in line with His Word? And if God has gifted us with certain abilities, then most certainly wouldn't using those to the best of our ability bring pleasure to our Father? I know when my children succeed at something I am so proud of them. I am assuming our Heavenly Father feels likewise about us. 

What a different perspective that would give you about your talents. When you do what you do best, do you feel God's pleasure? How much more exciting it is to remember that our talents come straight from Him and that our success in doing them would make Him smile, point at you and say to the angels, "Did you see what my child did today!? Check that out!" just like a proud Papa.

Children, you are each so individually gifted with some amazing talents. And you have pursued educations focusing on those talents. Rob with culinary. Ayla with culinary and management. Anton with sports management. Kayla with cardiac rehab. Your futures have unfolded in a direction following those pursuits. It is God that created you with those desires and gifts, so naturally to see you bettering, tweaking, advancing, pursuing and excelling at that must make Him just beam. 

We want you to work at everything you do feeling God's pleasure. Strive for it. In your careers, service at church, hobbies ... and your marriage. Do everything seeking His approval. Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." And Ephesians 6:7 says, "Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people." After all, it is His opinion that matters. It's His approval that counts. And what a far different approach we might have to everything we do if we kept that in mind. So do so, with your whole heart, just as the verses say. Dedicate everything you do to God. Could there be anything better than feeling God's pleasure?

Discussion: When do you feel that God is proud of you? Do you feel when you are utilizing your talents that you are pleasing God? What are some areas in your life where you need to work harder to please God?

Prayer: Father, may we always feel your pleasure doing what you created us to do. In our work and play, we pray your  are proud of us and that we serve to your glory. Thank you for the talents you've given each of us. In Jesus, Amen.

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