Saturday, October 3, 2015

Don't Forget To Eat

One the day of your wedding there will be much excitement, lots of things to organize and a schedule to follow in your day. You may not sleep well the night before because of this momentous occasion. But there is one thing we want you to remember on that day ... don't forget to eat. That may sound like a silly thing to remind you of - especially two foodies like Rob and Ayla - but if you ask couples if they ate at their wedding, you surprisingly will find out many did not, or if they did it was a little nibble here or there.

At the wedding celebration, you will be doing lots of visiting with all your family and friends, so to actually have a moment to sit down and eat is difficult. And honestly the same is true about all that occurs earlier in the day. So be sure to have a good protein-packed breakfast. You will need the energy and thinking power for that day. Then be sure to at least have a light lunch. You do not want to be light-headed or pass out at your nuptials because you weren't nourished. Schedule those meals into your day to make sure you take time to do it. You may want to even designate a bridesmaid/groomsman to make sure you've eaten something. If you don't get the opportunity to eat during the reception (yeah, that bite of cake doesn't count), that's a long day with no sustenance ... and you'll need it for that night (I was talking about the dancing, but yeah, it's good to have energy for the "after party" too, wink wink).

So based on a bit of research, here are some good foods with great benefits to eat the day of your wedding.
1) Foods with potassium - they help absorb water and eliminate bloating. Have a banana or avocado.
2) Protein - there's your energy with staying power. Nuts, eggs, chicken, fish, peanut butter and cheese are all good choices.
3) Fruits -Mangos and Melons are sweet and great hydrators.
4) Monitor alcohol, especially if you won't be eating much.
5) Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Add lemon or mint for de-bloating.
1) Coffee: It dehydrates you and is not breath-friendly for guests and that wedding kiss.
2) Sodium: Can you say "bloating."
3) Spicy foods. Could make you sweat, and that won't be photo pretty.
4) Soft drinks. Again bloating.
5) Gassy producing foods like beans, broccoli, apples, pears, cauliflower, milk products, lettuce, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.
I know to Rob and Ayla food is art and an experience - and hopefully you'll see both on your wedding day - but remember first and foremost it's fuel that runs the body. Even 1 Corinthians 6:13 says, "Food is for the stomach and the stomach for food." So eat wisely and healthily that day. But most importantly, don't forget to!

Discussion: What would be the ideal breakfast and lunch for you on your wedding day? Who is someone you can count on to make sure you are eating and eating correctly that day?

Prayer: Lord God, the wedding day will be so busy, that sometimes we neglect to take care of our bodies. I pray Lord we have someone watching out for us to make sure we are eating right to have the energy necessary for the celebrating! In Christ name, Amen.

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