Sunday, October 4, 2015

Part of the Family

You know how you know your children's fiances have become part of your family? When you haven't seen them in awhile and your heart fills with joy to spend time with them! Yesterday I got to spend some time with Kayla. I so enjoyed visiting with her. We had lots to catch up on and enjoyed some dinner together. Then to top off the evening, we Skyped with someone we both love and miss ... Anton. How many future daughter-in-laws spend a Saturday evening with their future mother-in-law? Not sure what those numbers are, but so grateful for the relationship I have with her. Kayla is a part of our family and we love her very much. And we feel the same about Rob. We loved Kayla and Rob before the couples got engaged. And we're so excited to officially make them our family members (just 12 days from now for Rob). We are firm believers that with these weddings we are not losing children, but rather gaining them. Our children have found the one whom their heart loves. They get strength and comfort from their beloved, support, encouragement, correction and much love. To hear how Kayla has helped Anton figure out what to get for his apartment (which will be their apartment in eight months), and hear about Rob's involvement in the details and errands necessary for their upcoming nuptials solidifies for us how much these two couples have become a team. Both couples have had to deal with separation by distance. Both have dealt with conflicts. Both have romanced each other in precious ways. Both have had adventures together. Both have prayed and worshiped together. And to think this is just the beginning!

We are so happy for our children that they have found and are engaged to the love of their life. How grateful we are to God for creating these precious individuals. How blessed we feel to have them as part of our family! And we pray we have been a blessing to them. Giving glory to God this Sunday morning for these two new blessings our lives. And praying for their days leading up to the weddings and all the days ever after. We love you!

Discussion: How has the relationship between you and your future in-laws grown? Do you see your marriage as joining a new family or creating your own? What have you learned from your future in-laws?

Prayer: Lord God, you have been so gracious to our children to bring Rob and Kayla into their lives! Thank you for the work you have done in them the days leading up to our children meeting them and the work you continue to do in them in their relationships. We pray for continued strengthening, blessings, growth and love for them both. In Jesus, Amen.

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