Thursday, October 1, 2015

Down To The Wire

As the days to the wedding get closer and closer, I expect the stress levels for you couples will increase. I know with wedding planning and moving there is so much to do, complete and tweak. Your time is running out and likewise your patience can, too. It can be tough if you let the stresses get the better of you to the point where these moments aren't fun anymore. So we wanted to talk for a minute about those things.

First off, choose your battles. There will be little things that go awry. Deal with what you have to, but don't let it get the better of you. There will be bigger things that may require more of your time and focus, so don't let the small things eat at you.

Be realistic. Don't expect perfection. There was only one man who had that. Understand that you're dealing with flawed humans in a sinful world, so things will go wrong. In the words of my father, "Expect the best, but prepare for the worst." This way you are optimistic without being completely caught off guard when something goes wrong. That is being realistic.

Some things that don't go according to plan aren't anyone's fault. They just happen. So doing be looking to point blame where there may be none. Just dust yourself off and handle it with grace.

Prioritize. Deal with the things that need your attention immediately or carry the greatest weight. Get to the others when you can.

Pray a lot. You know the time is getting close, so take every single moment and challenge to the Lord in prayer. He already knows the outcome and solution, so let Him bear it for you. Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit to the Lord what you plan to do and your plans will succeed." Since this wedding ceremonies are for His glory, commit them to Him and let Him handle it.

Be sure to take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest, eat right and stay hydrated. You've got a lot going on, so be sure to treat yourself well in the midst of this. One of the best ways to deal with stress is to exercise: run, walk, lift weights, do yoga, whatever will help you let off steam in a constructive way.

Make a conscious effort to love each other. You will be so wrapped up in details here at the end that you may forget the most important one ... your beloved. So make it your goal every day to do something sweet, positive, loving and kind for your fiance. There are all kinds of benefits for both of you.

We love you and are praying for you as these days inch ever closer to one of the greatest days of your life. May there be more days ahead of joy and peace than stresses and challenges.

Discussion: How stressful would you say things are right now for you? What have you found works the best for you in dealing with stress? What have you done today to tell your fiance you love them?

Prayer: Lord, we know planning an event like this requires so much work that it can exhaust us. We pray, Father, that you will help us to prioritize and organize our to do list and not let bumps in the road frustrate us. Lord, I pray we always praise your name in the midst of our concerns. In Jesus, Amen.

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