Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Repent & Believe The Good News!

Today is Ash Wednesday. It is the first day of the season of Lent which includes the 40 days plus Sundays prior to Easter. There is no mention of Lent in the Bible. Lent is a church tradition which started early, with some traditions saying as early as the 12 disciples themselves. It was oiginally honored for one or two days - 40 hours or the time thought Christ was in the tomb. Later at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D, the 40 days was mentioned. It was designed to represent the 40 days of temptation Christ went through following His baptism. People would fast from specific kinds of foods or drink - meat, sweets or alcohol. It was as time of fasting to focus on our Lord. Preparing our hearts for the celebration of the risen Christ following a horrific crucifixion on our behalf.

Since Lent isn't mentioned in the Scriptures, our family made mention of it, but did not enforce a celebration of it or sacrifice. We told our children about it and gave them the option to "give up something" if they wanted, but we more wanted them to take the time to make an extra effort to focus on Christ, whether reading through Scriptures, having prayer time or serving God's children in some way. A proactive Lent verses a sacrificial one. But either is beneficial if done to God's glory.

We don't mention this because we feel you should, as a couple, do any kinds of specific Lent traditions, but we do hope that in the time leading up to Easter, you will certainly make an effort to keep your eyes on the risen Christ. One thing proving to be Christ-centering is to read through the four Gospels chronologically in the days leading up to Easter. A schedule has been provided for you, should you want to do this. We highly recommend it. Praying your souls are enriched and blessed during this Lenten season.

Feb. 18: Luke 1; John 1:1-14                        Feb. 19: Matt 1; Luke 2:1-38
Feb. 20: Matt 2; Luke 2:39-52                       Feb. 21: Matt 3; Mark 1; Luke 3
Feb. 22: Matt 4; Luke 4-5; John 1:15-51        Feb. 23: John 2-4
Feb. 24: Mark 2                                           Feb. 25: John 5
Feb. 26: Matt 12:1-21; Mark 3; Luke 6           Feb. 27: Matt 5-7
Feb. 28: Matt 8:1-13; Luke 7                        March 1: Matt 11
March 2: Matt 12:22-50                               March 3: Matt 13; Luke 8
March 4: Matt 8:14-34; Mark 4-5                   March 5: Matt 9-10
March 6: Matt 14; Mark 6; Luke 9:1-17          March 7: John 6
March 8: Matt 15; Mark 7                             March 9: Matt 16; Mark 8; Luke 9:18-27
March 10: Matt 17; Mark 9; Luke 9:28-62      March 11: Matt 18
March 12: John 7-8                                     March 13: John 9:1-10:21
March 14: Luke 10-11; John 10:22-42           March 15: Luke 12-13
March 16: Luke 14-15                                  March 17: Luke 16-17:10
March 18: John 11                                      March 19: Luke 17:11-18:14
March 20: Matt 19; Mark 10                         March 21: Matt 20-21
March 22: Luke 18:15-19:48                        March 23: Mark 11; John 12
March 24: Matt 22; Mark 12                         March 25: Matt 23; Luke 20-21
March 26: Mark 13                                      March 27: Matt 24
March 28: Matt 25                                       March 29: Matt 26; Mark 14
March 30: Luke 22; John 13                         March 31: John 14-17
April 1: Matt 27; Mark 15                             April 2: Luke 23; John 18-19
April 3: Matt 28; Mark 16                             April 4: Luke 24; John 20-21
                      April 5: HE IS RISEN! HAPPY EASTER!

Discussion: Have you ever given up anything for Lent? Do you feel it is necessary? What are somethings you like to do for Lent?

Prayer: Father, prepare our hearts during these days leading up to the celebration of Easter. May we always remember the depth of Your love in sending Christ Jesus and all He did for us. We pray our lives will reflect that love to the lost around us. In the name of the Savior, Redeemer, Teacher,Jesus, Amen.

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