Monday, February 2, 2015

Good And Not Harm

Ladies, this is addressed to you, so, fellows, sit back for just a bit. You will have your chance during the discussion time to agree or disagree with this particular devotion. But for now this is for the girls and we want your undivided attention.

Do not, under any circumstances emasculate your future husband. If you are unfamiliar with the word, it means to "deprive a man of his male role." (In ancient days, it meant to castrate them, but we are using the word metaphorically).

What we mean is do not make fun of them. Do not nag at them. Do not humiliate them in public. Do not demean their occupations or hobbies. Do not cut down their physical appearance. Do not take away their man-ness. Now that may sound silly, but it is crucial you adhere to this. Men were given the job of being the head of their household by the Creator Himself. Ephesians 5:23 says, "For the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church, the body of which he is the Savior." This doesn't mean he is "the boss of you." What it means it God has given him the responsibility to care for you the same way Christ cared for the church ... and we know the extent Christ went to. God created men with certain personality traits designed for leadership in the home. If they are demeaned in anyway, particularly by their wives, it's like chipping at the core of who they are ... or as archaically described above, like castrating them.
Proverbs 31:12 says of a capable wife, "She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life." This is important for you to remember this. If God holds the husbands accountable for their families and households, should you not do all you can to edify him, encourage him, support him and love him? Trust us, as God is watching how your husband is treating you, He, too, is watching how you fulfill your job as "helpmate" in support of your spouse.

So there you go, ladies. Very important piece of advice ... let your husband be the man God intended Him to be as you are the woman he intended for you.

Discussion: Guy, agree or disagree with the above devotion? Any additions or suggestions? Do you have any examples of emasculation or of supporting one another?

Prayer: We thank you, Lord God, for creating men and women as you did. Help us, Father, to respect and support one another in our relationship, to do good and not harm all the days of our lives. In Christ, Amen.

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