Wednesday, February 4, 2015

We Love To Laugh ... Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!

I was listing for Daddy the things I needed to get done for the day: "Dust, laundry, get the oil changed, pay the bills ... blog for the kids because we know all there is to know about marriage." At that we both burst out laughing.

We've been married a long time, tis true, but we guarantee you we don't know everything. Not yet. But it did remind us of the importance of laughter in marriage. When people ask me what personality trait I look for in a friend, it is first and foremost laughter. There is much suffering and struggle in the world, so to laugh with someone brings a sweet balance. And to be able to laugh with your spouse is crazy fun. And also, as Brad says, "Being able to laugh at yourself, too." When I hear your Daddy giggle or he says something funny, it just cracks me up. He is not typically a funny guy, so when the occasional quip comes out, I just lose it. I, on the other hand, do a lot of weird things, providing him with endless opportunities to laugh at or with me.

Laughter has gobs of health benefits (lower blood pressure, good workout for the abs, lowers stress, boosts your immune system) and makes you happy, of course. The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22, "A cheerful heart is good medicine." And apparently laughter shows the joy you have in blessings from the Lord, because Psalm 126:2 says, "Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.'” So look for opportunities to laugh together, whether seeing a funny (not crude) movie or TV show, doing silly things together or even tickling. We already told you about the Bible study "Laugh Your Way to A Better Marriage" by Mark Gungor ( It combines learning about each other from a gender perspective with laughter. Highly recommend it.

So have fun, giggle often and belly laugh heartily when you get the chance. It will certainly lighten the load of a day. Now back to that to-do list...

Discussion: What makes you laugh? Do you enjoy laughing together? Who is the funnier person in your relationship? Are you ticklish?

Prayer: Thank you, Father, for the gift of laughter. May be found countless opportunities to do so. And when people see us laughing, I pray they can see the joy we have in each other and in You. In Jesus, Amen.

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