Friday, September 11, 2015

As Far As It Depends On You

Today there will be a lot of folks posting pictures of the Twin Towers in NYC on social media. For anyone who was around on this date in 2001, it matters to us all. Like our grandparents before us who remember where they were during the attack of Pearl Harbor, we remember vividly where we were when we heard a plane crashed into the World Trade Center North Tower. We remember watching the television in horror and disbelief as a second plane hit the South Tower. We were under attack, and we all knew it in that moment. And it scared us. War was brought to our homeland. And our country changed forever. Our economy, our security, our trust and our patriotism were forever altered by those events. Regardless of our backgrounds, we all had a common enemy. Regardless of our relationships, we all were brokenhearted. We wept for our lost Americans in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania. We saw their faces and we heard their names. The phrase, "Let's roll," became a battle cry. We prayed for our emergency responders. We prayed for our president. We prayed for the families of the lost. It took only moments, but its effects linger these fourteen years later. We will never forget.

What does this have to do with marriage, you ask? It shows how in the blink of an eye your situation can change. It reaffirms what should be your goal as a couple: to delight in the moments you have with your loved ones. Because they are fleeting. It reminds you that you are His, in His care and serving His children as if they were your own.

My sweet darlings, our prayer is you will never, ever see something like that again in your lifetimes. That your children will live in a world of peace and love, empathy and forgiveness, grace and caring. The chance of that, based on our history and sinful natures, is not good. But we'll be praying for it nonetheless. Romans 12:18 says, "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."

Strive to love each other passionately, deeply and sacrificially. Delight in your moments together. These are precious times. Regardless of the number of minutes, days or years you have, those times together are such a gift. Enjoy them. And remember that truly, we are all one huge family on this planet with one amazing Father God. Remember to love those family members as such.

I have a friend whose only child, a son, was born on this date in 2001. While the world was changing, a sweet face entered it. While she remembers what happened in our country that day, she sees in her son, the hope of our future. And while there may be heartache in that future, there will be joy, too. Seek it.

We have learned a lot as a nation and as people since this date in 2001. Praying it pushes us, inspires us, warns us and softens us. And praying it's enough.

Discussion: What do you remember about 9-11? Did you learn anything as a result of it? Do you think Americans have?

Prayer: Bless us, O Lord, for we have heavy hearts when we remember what happened on this date. We see, Lord, our failings and, Father, the moments of joy and blessings in the midst of it. Lord, we thank you for never leaving us. And we thank you for being our God in control of everything. May all come to know and love you and love your children. In Christ, Amen.

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