Thursday, November 13, 2014

In God's Image

When your Daddy helped write a book on former Packers Coach Mike Holmgren titled "Heir To A Legacy," he was given an opportunity to have a book signing in Green Bay. People would purchase the book then bring it to him to autograph. Your Daddy wanted to follow in the footsteps of the late defensive end, Hall of Famer Reggie White, and autograph with a Bible verse. I was pretty sure he would put his favorite, which at the time was Psalm 118:24: "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." But instead he did something pretty sneaky. He did Proverbs 5:19. His comment was, "I would just love to see people's faces when they read it."

The verse says: "A loving doe, a graceful dear, delight in your wife's breasts always; may you ever be intoxicated with her love." Brad said he wanted the men who got this football book signed by him to be reminded to love their wives. We chuckle at his signing, but I think if he had the opportunity to do it again, he would sign books the same way.

On a recent episode of Project Runway All Stars, a contestant was commenting on another designer's unconventional dress made of yellow construction caution tape, saying that she hoped it wouldn't fall apart on the runway.  "A naked woman is never a good look," she said, to which your Daddy promptly responded, "That last comment is wrong" and then he giggled and added, "You always look good that way."

I have never had any doubt about how your father felt about me. He has made sure to adhere to Proverbs 5:19 thoroughly and always makes me feel like I'm beautiful. This morning when I commented that I didn't think I would be running into any humans during the day and could probably go without make up, he said, "A No Make-Up Thursday! Do it! You were made in God's image." He is precious like that.

Now some women might take offense at your Daddy's overt comments on my physical appearance, but honestly, it makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. And in a culture that does all it can to get you to compare yourself to the airbrushed, size 0 supermodels of the world, those comments are encouraging and edifying. And if he thinks I'm beautiful, that's enough for me.

When I was a little girl, my Dad told me all the time that I was beautiful. When I looked in the mirror, I saw an awkward, nerdy adolescent (and I've seen the pictures, so there's proof I truly was). But thankfully, I had a Daddy who made sure I knew what he saw was beautiful. And my precious husband has done likewise. I have been blessed to have had the two most important men in my life repeatedly tell me something that the Father feels about each and every one of us. We are beautiful. He delights in us.

You both are fortunate in that the Lord has made you physically gorgeous, so complimenting each other on that should flow pretty naturally and often, we would imagine. But what is more precious, is that you are both just as beautiful inside. I'm not talking about your bones or organs, but the beauty my father saw in me. Sweetness, love, caring, joy, a passion for Christ ... those are beautiful attributes. You have a glow that we hope never fades. And we pray you continually will compliment and edify one another throughout your relationship.

As for Proverbs 5:19 and the rest ... save it for the honeymoon. :)

Discussion: What are beautiful attributes to you? Tell what you find beautiful in each other. Do you make sure that your betrothed feels beautiful, even when they may not feel it?

Prayer: Lord you have made us in your image. And You are so amazing, that we can only hope to live up to that comparison, so that people see You in us. Father, help us to remember to compliment, encourage, uplift and edify one another. In Jesus name, Amen.

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