Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Chief End of Man

Daddy preached Sunday on the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25:14-30. It tells the story of a man entrusting his servants with his money and property while he is away. The talents referred to in this story are the largest denomination of money listed in Scripture. A talent could be worth anywhere from $30,000 to 20 years worth of wages. So we're talking about multimillionaire standards. To one servant he gives five talents, to another servant two and to the last, one. The first two servants double the man's money. They are rewarded with increased job responsibilities and the man's favor. The last hid the money out of fear and returned the one talent to him. He is called wicked and lazy and is thrown into the outer darkness.

Your Daddy stressed the importance of using each of our gifts and talents to glorify God and further the kingdom. As the congregation was leaving the church, one member asked, "Do you mean that I am supposed to glorify God with everything I do throughout the day?" Your Daddy answered, "Yes."

When Ayla and Anton were little they took a summer class at church in Athens, Georgia on the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Written in the 1600's, it was designed to teach faith to children. It asks this question: "What is the chief end of man?" The answer is: "To glorify God and enjoy Him forever." Colossians 1:16 says we were created "through Him and for Him." Ephesians 1:12 tells us that having hope in Christ, "we live for His praise and glory." 1 Peter 2:9 says we are to "proclaim the mighty acts of Him." When Christ spoke of why He came He responded, "that they may have life and have it abundantly."

So basically we're to praise Him, glorify Him, live for Him, proclaim His acts and have an abundant life. If our chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, then the answer to the the congregant who asked your Daddy about glorifying God in everything we do throughout the day is a resounding, full-bodied, wholehearted, "YES!"

That means whatever we do throughout the day, we are doing it for God's glory. Working, cooking, laundry, playing golf, cleaning the toilet, singing, vacuuming, mowing the lawn, playing football ... we do it to God's glory. 1 Peter 4:11 says: "Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To Him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen."

Your father brought up the example of Tim Tebow playing college football and putting a Bible verse on his eye black, and how when he changed the verse from Phil 4:13 to John 3:16 during the national championship game, the latter verse was googled by 94 million people during the four hours of the game. He was glorifying God in the game.

I think as we go about our daily business, we forget that we were created for that purpose. We forget that our jobs, friendships, entertainment, homes, families and mundane activities are still all to be for God's glory. Were we to remember that, we would probably approach each moment of our day with a far different attitude. And if we remember throughout the day that the God we serve is holy, sacred and just, our behavior towards everything we do and everyone we meet would have a different focus and goal.

Yesterday when your father and I went to see a movie, we ran into a young friend. We were late for the movie we wanted to see, but when we asked this young man how he was doing, he clearly needed to talk and share something he was dealing with. Every bit of me was anxious to get in to see the movie, but the Jesus-loving, God-fearing, Spirit-guided soul in me knew what I was created for - God's glory. And loving and listening to this boy did that. 

We were created for His glory. And our Father believes that the two of you can do that better together. He hand picked you for each other and knew before you were even born who would be the best helpmate for you and how your talents would compliment one another. Knowing that we prayed for Ayla and Anton's spouses since they were toddlers, gives us great confidence in God's selection for both of them. We pray that each day of your betrothal will be a time of glory for God and each day of your marriage likewise. And those amazing talents our Father has gifted you with, that you will double the return for His favor. He is so worth it, and you are so capable.

Discussion: What talents has God gifted you with? How are you using them to glorify God? How do you enjoy God? Do you proclaim is mighty deeds? Are you living life for Him abundantly?

Prayer: Lord, we thank You for gifting us with the talents we have and we pray that we use them to Your glory. Help us to identify what our talents are. And help us remember in each day, in each circumstance, in each task, that we remember Whom we're doing it all for. We love you. In Jesus, Amen.

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