Sunday, November 16, 2014

Is it Sunday?

This summer a friend and I were talking about the importance of going to church on Sunday. She said when her kids would get up on Sunday morning they would ask, "Are we going to church today?" to which their dad would respond, "Is it Sunday?" In other words, it is Sunday morning and this is what we do every Sunday morning, so yeah, we're going.

We feel the exact same way. It is a priority. It's not something we do if we feel like it, or if it fits the schedule, or if we're not tired or if it's Easter or Christmas. We go every single Sunday, typically even when we're on vacation. Not out of obligation or guilt. We go out of necessity. We go because we want to worship our Lord. We want to be connected with other Christians who love the Lord. We want to hear the Word preached, praise Him in song and learn whatever we can about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit on this journey. It's a recharge to face the rest of the week. It's not a club to visit or stay in, but rather a empowerment of sorts.

We were talking about this recently in a Bible class. We commented that the reason people like cellphones is they can take them with them everywhere they go. However, they have to be charged. So you plug them in. Once they're good and juiced up, you are back on your way, good to go. It's the same with church. You take Christ with you wherever you go, but you've got to be recharged.

We've heard the story many times about the pastor who visited a man who lived in the church's neighborhood but never came to church. The man said he could worship at home just fine. The pastor walked over to a fire in the hearth and removed a coal from it, setting it aside. The coal went out. He then returned the coal to the fire and it lit bright again. The pastor left, and the man went to church the following Sunday and thereafter. We need to be spiritually fed and worship the Lord surrounded by other Christians to have that fire lit in our souls and keep it lit. For those who say they don't want to go to church because it's full of hypocrites, we say, "There is always room for one more." The church is full of repenting sinners trying daily to do better. Can you become a better hunter if you never go into the woods? For you two, a better analogy: can you become a better cook if you're never in the kitchen?

Today is the first Sunday you two have been able to worship together in a long time. We know you love your church, hear a great message each week, worship fully and love the Lord. And we know you both notice on the weeks you don't go, what a void there is in the week.

We pray worship will always be a priority for you. The psalmist tells us "Better is one day in your courts, than a thousand elsewhere" (Psalm 84:10). Is it Sunday? Then it's time for church.

Discussion: Do you think weekly worship is important? What is it you like about church? What do you miss when you don't go?

Prayer: Lord, to lift our voices in song and Your name in praise is such an honor and joy. Lord we pray we are always inspired to want to come to Your house to learn, grow and love. We love you. In Jesus name, Amen.

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