Thursday, November 20, 2014

Third in a Three-Man Race

I once asked your Daddy years ago if he wrote an autobiography, what the title would be. He answered "Third in a Three-Man Race." He didn't give me any details why that would be his title, so I assumed it was because he was third born and frequently lost out to his brothers - and sometimes in life situations - to different successes.

However, we were doing a devotion together two days ago called "Third" that told a story about a pilot who was part of the aerial demonstration squadron called the Minute Men, showing what jets where capable of doing synchronized in air. At one of these demonstrations, one pilot's jet spinned out of control. Headed for an inevitable crash in the middle of a city, he could have ejected to save his life. Instead, he directed the plane to an empty field, saving the lives of many. The pilot, John Ferrier, died instantly. In his billfold found in the wreckage was a card that said, "I Am Third," explaining how he lived his life. First God, then others, then himself.

After reading this devotion your father told me about Chicago Bears running back Gale Sayers, who wrote an autobiography in 1970 titled "I Am Third." This book was the inspiration for a movie called "Brian's Song," which shared the story of the friendship between Gale and running back Brian Piccolo, his roommate, who died of cancer at the age of 27. In the story, Gale explained that Brian's life was an inspiration to him because he put others before himself. It made an impression on your Daddy as an 11-year-old. It was athletes like Gale, and Roberto Clemente and Walter Payton, who exemplified this humble attitude of caring for others that made such an impact on your Dad.

This was the meaning behind his autobiography title. He wanted to live a life just like these men - God first, others second and then himself. This is not to say that it is easy or even second nature, but an admirable and attainable goal, one we need to strive for every single day.

Mark 10:44-45 says: "Whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” 1 John 3:17-18 says: "If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." And, of course we know Christ said the second greatest commandment was "love your neighbor as yourself." Lev. 19:18.

In our marriages, we are asked to put our spouse before ourselves, and that is an excellent way we can put the above commands into practice. In addition, we are called to love God's children and to be a servant to them, loving them as Christ loved us. There is no doubt in my mind, that your father is third in a three-man race. I see it regularly. How precious that the autobiographical title he selected was more prophetic in nature to what he has certainly become. It is worth emulating.

Discussion: Tell of a time when you put others before yourself? Do you put each other before yourself? Is it hard for you to put someone else before you? 

Prayer: Help us, Lord God, to remember that You have asked us to love Your children. It requires sacrifice, Father, but none as great as the one Your Son gave for us. Let us not forget that when serving others. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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