Tuesday, November 4, 2014

We'd Like To Make A Toast

I'll never forget the toast. Yes, the party was wonderful, the company fun and gifts precious but it's the toast I'll always remember.

My mother had planned a surprise engagement party for Daddy and I at her house inviting all her family. Daddy and I were next door showing our neighbor the ring and telling her about the proposal. Somehow during that period of time, my mom got all the decorations up and my uncles, aunts, cousins and grandma all arrived.

My Aunt Dar started the toast. She said, "May you be as happy as Pelkey and I." Then my Aunt Nicki said, "And have as much sex and Beav and I." Then Uncle Jimmy said, "And has as many kids as Mary Lou and I." (They have seven.) Then Aunt Sandy said, "And may they be as beautiful as my kids." It was so precious and hilarious and completely ad-libbed. Well, at least we hit three parts of the toast.

I understand your Gaga and Aunt Jodi held an engagement party/wedding shower for you Sunday, inviting all of her siblings to visit and celebrate with you while you were there in Pittsburgh. She was very excited about having this opportunity to have her family rejoice with you. I know they would have enjoyed meeting Rob. And I bet they would toast all the same for you both as they did Daddy and I all those years ago.

At your wedding reception there will be a toast. One is typically given by the best man, although I've attended weddings where seems like just about anyone can raise a glass of bubbly to you both and wish you well.

I looked up the history of the toast. There are several variations of how it started: a) Clinking glasses together so some of each drink would slop into the other as a way of making sure neither was poisoned; and b) dropping spiced toast into the alcohol to flavor it. While the first is more myth and the second is just where the name comes from (even Shakespeare referred to it in "The Merry Wives of Windsor") the act of drinking to someone's health dates way back. Even Homer writes about it in "The Odyssey" where Ulysses says, "Health to thee, Achilles." So we're going way back in history.

We've heard endearing, hilarious and freakishly long and boring wedding toasts. There is an art to it, truly, but honestly, short, sweet and sincere and you can't go wrong.

Since mothers and fathers of the bride are not typically toast givers at the reception, we wanted to offer one to you both now:

We lift our glasses high
To claim this union blessed
A life together long
A journey rarely stressed
A love that overflows
A family legacy
Countless times to witness
Of God's grace and majesty
Health, of course, we wish you
Success in all you do
Laughter in your friendship
And strength uplifting you
We love you both completely
We thank God for this day
Here's to the newlyweds
God guide you on your way.


Discussion: Tell of some wedding toasts you've heard. Who will be giving the toast(s) at your reception? How would you toast each other today?

Prayer: Glorious God, you are holy, beautiful and loving. We are in awe of you. Father, we thank you for those moments when we drink the cup in remembrance and in honor of your Son. In His name we pray, Amen.

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