Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pumpkin Squash

The other day I made pumpkin muffins for your Dad. I got the recipe from a friend on facebook - box of yellow cake batter, can of pumpkin and cinnamon chips (yeah, we never heard of them before either). Mix the cake batter as directed with ingredients necessary, add the rest and bake according to box directions. I sprinkled some pecans on top before baking. They were amazing. I ate three as they came out of the oven. A perfect fall treat.

Now your Daddy has been calling me "Pumpkin" for forever. So of course as soon as these came out of the oven he said, "Thank you Pumpkin Muffin," to which I responded, "Your welcome, Squash." It's been kind of a running joke for us. See when he first started calling me Pumpkin, I was not having it. I mean, pumpkins are big, round and orange. So as soon as Pumpkin came out, I thought I could play that game too and called him Squash. Weird little nicknames, but not the only ones.

When I first met your Daddy, I called him Mooper. Have no idea why. And no idea when it stopped. I got Love Muffin once and awhile and I'd Sweet Muffin him right back. Sometimes I'll call him Zippy since he loves the song "Zippity Doo Dah." Darlin' and Babe are often monikers. And of course Ayla and Anton have had nicknames since they were little. They were Nellie and Reggie for awhile, but more recently for Ayla, it's La, Lolly or Princess and for Anton, Tone, Kirby, Toners and Little Face (though he's growing out of the last one). Having only known Rob for little more than a year, Robster is the best we got since Ayla says Rob is her lobster based on a "Friends" episode.

Nicknames are cute as long as everyone appreciates them. They are endearing and personal. And Jesus gave out a few to his BFFs. He called Simon, Peter or The Rock. He called John and James the Sons of Thunder. Both sobriquets were descriptive in nature. Thus, Pumpkin, I'm hoping isn't an appearance inspired nickname.

I don't know if you both have nicknames for each other or not. And they are not necessary for a healthy, loving marriage ... but they sure can be fun. Kinda like calling the future grandchildren ... Goglets.

Discussion: Did you have nicknames as children? What terms of endearment or pet names do you like to call each other?

Prayer: Father you have called us Your Children, a Royal Priesthood, Sheep, Chosen People and a Holy Nation. We thank you for names that accurately describe us or show how much you or we care. We love you, Lord. In Jesus, the King of Kings, Savior, Emmanuel, Prince of Peace, Messiah, Righteous Branch, Son of Man, Amen.

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