Friday, March 20, 2015

An Ounce of Prevention

On your wedding day, there could be emergencies that pop up. Therefore, greater minds than ours have come up with suggestions for a Wedding Day Emergency kit to make sure you have all the essentials at hand should something go awry. We've added a few of our own as well.
  • Advil - just in case you get a headache
  • Snack food - because you'll be so excited you may forget to eat. Make sure it's something with protein so it will last.
  • Gum or mints - you will be kissing a lot and talking to lots of folks. Fresh breath would be nice.
  •  A comb - for touch ups and flyaways. You might need hairspray, too.
  • Mini sewing kit - a button could pop, something could tear. We saw a bride whose zipper broke and she had to be sewn into her dress. So have thread, needle and scissors at the ready.
  • Extra makeup for touch ups - makeup can run and get wiped off, so have extra mascara, eyeliner, lipstick etc available. Rob and Anton ... this one isn't for you.
  • Super glue - like the sewing kit, you make have something that breaks that needs a quick repair. Heel falls off, jewelry breaks. This will work in a pinch.
  • Tide To Go - someone may spill something on you ... happened to me.
  • Bandaids - you may get a blister or paper cut.
  • Extra socks or panty hose - stupid run, perhaps a hole. Just never know.
Other things that have been suggested include clear nail polish, lint roller, water, hand sanitizer, lip balm, sunscreen, deodorant, dental floss, nail file and safety pins among other things.

So there you go. Set this check list out and put all these things together several days before the event. Then you have less to worry about the day of! As Benjamin Franklin once said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." So be prepared!

Discussion: What are somethings listed here you would have never thought of? Are there other items you think should be in an emergency kit?

Prayer: Father, it never hurts to be prepared for any challenges that might come up. We pray, Father, all goes well during the weddings. And we pray, should there be a wedding "emergency" that there will be a simple, swift solution. In Jesus, Amen.

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