Sunday, March 15, 2015

God's Words

A week ago we saw that our friends the Bradleys made a visit to former neighbors of ours in Wisconsin, the Goudzwaards. I have sent this couple (now in their 90s) a Christmas card every year, but this year didn't hear back from them, so I was fearing the worst. To see the picture at left of them made me tear up. Ayla and Anton will remember them because Jack made them both their name in stained glass. With both our children having unusual names, to have their name in stained glass was pretty cool. Jack did this as a gift for them and pretty much every other child in the neighborhood. As the couple got older, Anton was paid to snow blow/shovel their driveway and sidewalk after winter storms. We loved and enjoyed this couple very much. I remember Jack and Elaine taking many walks around the track at the middle school across the street from us. When we lived there, I know they celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary, so they must be close to 70 years of marriage by now. Can you imagine ... 70 years of marriage?! Donna Bradley posted the picture above that she took when she visited them. Sweet as I remember and sitting there holding hands. When I showed the picture to Daddy, he said, "That's us!" I think, like me, he hopes we will be together 40+ years into the future, still smiling, still holding hands.

One of the things I loved about our sweet neighbors was their name. I remember when Elaine first introduced herself to me, "Goudzwaard ... like God's Word." Who wouldn't want that for their last name? And they lived by it. They regularly attended our church, Emmanuel United Methodist Church in Appleton, WI.

That little elderly couple has been through a lot in their 70 years together. They have had tragedies, challenges, joys and successes. And yet there they sit still smiling and holding hands. They are an inspiration.

We live in a world where many things are disposable: contacts, diapers, razors ... and sadly, marriages. If it's not working, if it gets too hard, end it. We want to you know marriage is not disposable. It's a binding contract in the eyes of God, designed to represent Christ's relationship with the church. And it does take effort to keep it fresh, filled with love, successful and fun. But it is so worth it. Just look at Jack and Elaine. That's how we hope to be ... side-by-side with the love of our life for the duration of this earthly life.

Live by God's Word. 1 Peter 4:8 says, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." Romans 12:10 says, "Outdo one another in showing honor." Ephesians 4:26 says, "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." Colossians 3:13 says, "Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Philippians 2:2 says, "Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." So don't sit back after the wedding and take your marriage - your love - for granted. Work at it every single day. We promise you, after your relationship with Christ, your marriage will be the best investment you ever make.

Discussion: Do you know of some other couples who have been together for a long time? Why do you think it takes work to have a successful marriage. What are things you can do to make your marriage fun, fresh, successful and filled with love?

Prayer: Lord we thank You that You created marriage to be binding and beautiful. We pray that we make the effort to work at having a loving, forgiving, fun, glorifying marriage. Thank You for examples like the Goudzwaards. Please bless them. In Jesus, Amen.

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