Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Bouquets & Boutonnieres

My daffodils are nearly in full bloom.They are gorgeous. Pops of yellow among a sea of dead grass and leaveless trees is a warm welcome as the seasons change. Several flowering trees - like the Japanese Tulip tree - are also blooming. There is just something about flowers that brings such beauty into the world.

Flowers are lovely part of the wedding. You've got the bride's bouquet, bridesmaids bouquets, boutonnieres for the men, centerpieces and other decorations. As to the origin of why a bride carries a bouquet in the first place ... well, there are differing thoughts on that matter. One says it was so bride could smell their very best. In pre-deoterant-and-frequent-shower days, people were pretty stinky, so a full-blooming bouquet would be perfume to the groom. Other traditions say spices and herbs included in the bouquet would keep away the evil spirits. Today, neither reason works, so we'll just say they make the wedding so much prettier ... not to mention pricier.

Flowers are much more affordable when you select flowers in season. Since Ayla and Rob have chosen an October date, we'll look at those flowers. Apparently flowers also have meanings, so the ones that do, we put that at the end of their description.
  • Alstroemeria - these come in a variety of shades of pink, yellow, white, orange. Means "aspiring."
  • Amaryllus - Ayla grew one of these for a class project years ago. Huge blooms in many colors. Means "dramatic."
  • Anemones - round petals and black center in purple, pink and white. Means "fragile."
  • Asters - they look like daisies and come in purple, pink and white. Means "contentment."
  • Calla Lillies - like lovely white tea cups. Means "regal."
  • Carnations - this flower comes in every color and has lasting power. Means "Cheerful and gratitude."
  • Colchicum - they look like crocuses, with tulip like blooms and come in white
  • Dahlias - puffy sweet blooms in pink, coral, orange, yellow, white
  • Freesia - pink, white, fuchsia, orange, yellow and purple. A sweet dainty flower. Means "spirited."
  • Gerbera Daisies - a gorgeous wide bloomed daisy in white, red, pink, yellow and orange. Means "innocence."
  • Lily of the Valley - tiny, white, bell-shaped flower. This flower is mentioned in the Song of Solomon 2:1-2 along with the Rose of Sharon.
  • Magnolia - the lemony smelling, big white Southern blooms. Means "dignity."
  • Roses - available year rounds in every possible size, bloom and color. A wedding staple. Meaning "love"
  • Snapdragons - blooming in taller clusters and comes in tons of different colors.
Lots of different kinds to choose from. I had a ginormous bouquet - patterned after Princess Diana's - with lots of white flowers and pale pink roses. I have saved the seed pearls from my bouquet, which both Ayla and Anton are welcome to use. Daddy wore a boutonniere of white stephanotis, a tubular jasmine flower. My favorite flower - best smell ever - is the gardenia. It's white, lovely and one of the most popular wedding flowers.

So have fun selecting. I know Ayla already has a bouquet of colors in mind already. I am sure the flowers will be lovely ... and smell nice, too.

Discussion: What is important to you flower wise: season, color, type, style? What flowers have meaning for you?

Prayers: Father you tell us the grass withers and the flower fades, but the Word of the Lord stands forever and we thank you for that word and glorify your name. Thank you for the beauty of all your flowers! We pray we find flowers that will be lovely and not too expensive for the weddings. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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