Sunday, March 29, 2015

Greatest Week In History

Today is Palm Sunday, named for the fronds the crowd in Jerusalem waved as our Messiah entered the city on the first day of this greatest week in history. It probably wasn't taught to you as such in any history classes of the public school, but all Christians know it's so. It was a day Christ proclaimed to the masses - nearly 2.7 million in town for Passover - that He was our Savior. He did this by fulfilling what the prophet Zechariah said in 9:9 "Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." The people shouted "Save! Now! Pray!" with their "Hosannas" not having a clue that the true saving would come in the form of sacrifice through the worst possible kind of execution.

Jesus knew as He rode into town on that donkey that he would be crucified just five days later ... yet He came anyway. He knew in just four days, one of His closest friends would betray Him, another would deny Him and all would abandon Him, yet He ate Passover with them anyway. He knew the same people shouting "Hosanna" would be shouting "Crucify him," but He prayed for them anyways (Matt 23:37). He knew as He watched people laying their cloaks on the ground before Him that Sunday, later that week he would be beaten, spit on, mocked and killed, and He forgave them all anyway (Luke 23:34). It was the greatest week in history because the greatest man who ever lived was paying the highest price One could pay in pure, complete, selfless love (John 3:16).

My sweet children, celebrate this day. Celebrate it every year for the rest of your lives. Celebrate it together, with your future children and grandchildren. Know that when those palm branches are passed out and you wave them in the air, you are attending an honorary parade for the King of Kings! And don't just proclaim Him in the church this morning ... proclaim Him in the streets! Help the lost see what this Jesus did for them.

Spread the Good News! "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" (Mark 11:9)

Discussion: Tell about a special Palm Sunday service you remember? What are ways you can share the Good News of Jesus Christ this week?

Prayer: Father God, we know that if the children of Israel didn't shout praises to your Son as He entered the town, that even the stones would have shouted (Luke 19:40) Lord God, we thank you and praise you for Christ our King! May we worship Him fully this week and share of Your great love and mercy! In the name of the Messiah, Amen.

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