Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Beautiful Feet

Saw the movie Cinderella recently and I gotta say, that Fairy Godmother has great cobbler abilities. I'm not talking about a fruity baked dessert, but rather cobbler in the shoe making sense. Those Swarovski crystal slippers with butterfly embellishments were gorgeous! I read that it took 8 people 150 hours to make the shoes for the movie and there were six versions before they picked their favorite. It has six-inch heels and 221 facets. They are certainly breathtaking ... but completely unwearable. Too delicate.

Which brings up the topic of shoes. For guys it's easy ... a pair of dress shoes. They can be patent or matte leather and hopefully with tough enough soles to stomp a glass wrapped in a handkerchief (should you elected to do so ... Mazel tov). Course, guys can always wear athletic shoes or even sandals. But what should the bride wear?

I'm all about those Cinderella shoes. A bride needs to look spiffy from head to toe, and a good pair of shoes finish the work of art. I know Ayla was originally thinking beach wedding and barefoot with flip flops for the reception, but now that she's getting married riverside and on a deck, shoes are necessary. Kayla will be getting married to Anton in a church in Montgomery, so shoes are needed there too.

My white satin shoes
I wore a pair of white satin pumps. I only wish they'd have had some sparkle. But they were comfy. I even dyed them purple for Aunt Jodi's wedding when I was the matron of honor. So that would be my advice ... make sure they are comfortable. You will be standing most of the night, so you want shoes that won't be murder on your feet. (Bring band-aids just in case!) However, knowing Ayla, they will be crazy high heels. You can always kick them off at the reception and don a pair of flats, flip flops or satin slippers.

There's a lot of bridal shoe styles out there from low to high heels, satin to lace, pearls to crystal sparkles, bows to feathers, flip flops to boots, flowers to ruffles. They can certainly be fun. Brides can even wear different colored shoes just to have fun. There's even a gal who will personalize your wedding shoes (www.figgieshoes.com) - of course, your Uncle Greg could do that for you. Regardless of what you choose you will have beautiful feet.

What does the Bible say makes beautiful feet? The bride in Song of Solomon wears sandals (7:1). But shoe wear isn't the most important. Isaiah 52:7 says, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, 'Your God reigns.'" Beautiful feet are those which tell the world about Jesus Christ. We like to call them Good News Shoes ...  as described in Ephesians 6:15 "As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace." We always need to have ready the story of what Christ means to us, what He's done for us to share at a moment's notice. You just never know who you will run into that needs to hear about Christ's love.

So that's what we recommend ... shoes that will be comfortable enough to wear into the night that you may share the grace and love of Jesus Christ not just with your future spouse, but with all your guests, There may be a few souls there who will really need to hear it.

Discussion: What kind of shoes would you like to wear at your wedding? Why is that style or color important to you? Do you feel like you have Good News Shoes ready to put on when necessary?

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for shoes that protect, fit and allow us to stay on the move to glorify you. We pray our souls are always ready in soles fit to spread your Gospel of peace. In Jesus, Amen.

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