Saturday, March 28, 2015

Inquire Of The Lord

While reading the Bible this morning in Joshua 9, I paused on a sentence that truly resonated. In verse 14 it says, "They did not inquire of the Lord." At this point in Scripture, Joshua has entered the promised land with the Israelites and begun conquering tribes in the area. Already Jericho and Ai have fallen. Next on the list are the cities of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Girgashites and Jebusites. God's instructions for the Israelites was to completely annihilate these tribes - no treadies - just complete destruction. One nearby tribe, the Gibeonites, after hearing about what happened at Jericho and Ai, came up with a ruse to fool the Israelites into believing they were actually from a far land to lure them into a tready with them. They showed up at the Israelite camp dirty, in worn clothes and sandals, with moldy food and old cracked and mended wineskins as evidence of their "long journey." Here is where the verse above comes in to play. Rather than go to the Lord for guidance, they survey the situation and make a decision on their own. The leaders of the Israelites make an oath not to destroy Gibeonites. The ruse worked. Three days later, the Israelites learn the truth: they've been duped. They keep their oath not to destroy the Gibeonites, but make them lifelong servants in the house of God. In later battles with other occupying tribes, instead of completely destroying them as they were commanded, they "never drove them out completely" (Judges 1:28). Mistakes like this cost the Israelites much heartache in the future, as these tribes lured the Hebrews into pagan worship, forsaking the Lord. Their eventual punishment was their conquer, pulling the Jews out of the very promised land they were just now receiving and scattering them (diaspora) all over the earth.

Here's the moral ... inquire of the Lord.

In just those four little words, they would have changed the entire course of their history. Had they gone to God, He would have revealed the truth to them. Had they been obedient in future circumstances, they would have avoided the suffering that later came.

You will save yourself so much future suffering, pain and blunders if you just inquire of the Lord. When you have a question, suspicious inkling, need wisdom, a decision to make ... inquire of the Lord. Do this together. Do this in your individual prayers. Go to God. Ask Him what to do. The Word says in James 1:5, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." He gives it generously, so ask Him.You'll thank Him later. The alternative is just ... sad.

Discussion: Tell of a time when you did not inquire of the Lord. What was the result? Tell of a time when you did? What was the result?

Prayer: Father, we thank You that You have promised us wisdom when we ask for it. We pray we remember to always inquire of You what You would have us do, whether through prayer or in the reading of your Word. Guide our steps and may they always glorify you. In Jesus, Amen.

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