Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Crooked River Penquin Suit

The tux. It transforms a fiance in to a debonair groom. Not quite sure how it does it, but it does. There is something about a man tailored handsomely in a tuxedo. It elevates their appearance in just moments.

I remember when we were trying to decide what Brad would wear for our wedding he was very insistent that he be all in white. And I was fine with that, because he was so tan all the time, I knew he would be gorgeous in it. And he was. A white tux and tails, white cummerbund, white bow tie and white patent leather shoes. If I got to wear white, he wanted white. It was a good choice. He looks quite svelte and classy at the same time. I will never forget the first time I saw him in it. He arrived at the front of our Pennsylvania house with his groomsmen and I peaked at him through the curtains. Our photographer saw me catch a glimpse and snapped a picture in the same location. It's hung above our bed ever since. He was breathtaking just as I expected. I even remember gasping at the sight of him. Wow!

The tuxedo is a dinner suit, formal, sometimes with satin lapels. It's something you see the gentlemen from Downton Abbey wearing to every dinner. Gosh, imagine seeing your husband in that every single night! Swoon! At one point it was called a "penquin suit" for its black on white attire. It became popular in the late 1800s and got the name "tuxedo" from Tuxedo Park - a wealthy New York country suburb. Apparently the residents wore the fancy, formal dinner suits often. Interestingly, the word "tuxedo" gets it's origins from the Lenape Native American tribe's word tucsedo for crooked river. Funny how now it means men's formal evening wear.

The only place in Scripture mentioning wedding outfits is in Matt. 22:11-14 where the Lord tells a parable. In the story, a guest arrives to a wedding without his "wedding garment" on. So it's more referring to a person in attendance verses the groom or bride. Regardless they were required to wear something special. In fact, the story implies it was necessary to be before the King wearing said garment, almost as if it made a soul pure, clean and sin-free before him. You didn't want to show up without it because that dude was thrown into "into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." So my recommendation is show up prepared and looking good!

I know the boys are mulling over what they plan to wear on their wedding days. I have heard Ayla say Rob wanted to wear black. And Anton mentioned wanting to look like Sean Connery in his Goldfinger gray suit - although 007 wore quite a few different color suits to choose from. Regardless, as gorgeous as the ladies will be in their wedding gowns, the men will look equally so in their crooked rivers, ahem, tuxedos. I know I am looking forward to seeing your Daddy in one.

Discussion: What will your groom wear? What will the groomsmen wear? Why do you want to that particular style or color? What does the bride want to see the groom in?

Prayer: Father God, may we come before you prepared, wearing Christ when we come before you. Lord we pray for the fellows as they select what they plan to wear standing before you and their brides on their wedding days. In Jesus, Amen.

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