Saturday, March 21, 2015

Faith Fit Bit

Ayla loves her new Fit Bit. This technological device - worn like a watch - tracks physical activity, food and water consumption and sleep. When I asked what she thought of it, she said, "I love it because it holds me accountable for my health." In this day and age of many sedentary activities (in front of various video screens) it is good to have something to remind us to keep moving, eat correctly, get enough water and plenty of rest. Physical fitness is important, especially if you want to be the best temple for the Lord (1 Cor. 6:19).

This is also why Brad and I love our weekly accountability (called Reunion) groups so much. They hold us accountable for our faith. We shared  a photo of the card we follow on Nov. 24 of last year in this blog. It takes a person about 10-15 minutes to go completely through the card depending on what is happening in your life. A group meeting typically lasts about an hour (unless you are the Digressing Divas - my reunion group likes to visit, too, so we take a bit longer).

The card provides prompts to help you remember various areas of accountability in your spiritual life. You are not expected to do all the items asked about, but it's rather to get you thinking about what you could be doing. The accountability group holds you accountable for the following:

  • Are you having a devotion time?
  • Praying?
  • Worshiping at church?
  • Taking communion?
  • Journaling?
  • Going on a spiritual retreat?

  • Are you reading Scripture?
  • Reading devotion/study guides?
  • Reading religious publications, devotional newspapers or religious magazines?
  • Are you taking a Bible study?
    Do you go to Sunday School?
  • Have you attended a religious seminar?

Action - What have you done to show the love of Christ in your...
  • Family?
  • Vocation?
  • Community?
  • Small Group?
  • Church?
After completing that part of the card, we then discuss:
  • At what moment we felt Closest to Christ during the week
  • Call to Discipleship, when we discipled someone sharing Christ with them
  • When our faith was tested through failure, called Discipleship Denied 
  • What our Plan is for the next week to improve our faith
  • What Special Needs we want prayer for.
  • Then we close in prayer.
You become very close to your Reunion Group members because of this accountability. It is a precious, welcome time of sharing.

Just as physical fitness is important, so likewise is spiritual fitness. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 4:7-8 "Train yourself toward godliness, for, while physical training is of some value, godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” How wonderful it would be to have a technological device that tracked that as well. But since we don't have those, and it is important for Christians to hold one another accountable, the Reunion Group - or Faith Fit Bit Group if you will - is the best tracker out there. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." There is value in the accountability group. 

All it takes is just one person to have a accountability partner. Your fiance could be that person. Once a week you could ask each other the questions above. If you'd like have additional people in the group, ask others if they would be willing to meet with you specifically for that purpose. Do not use this time for Bible study - that is a different kind of group. This is strictly your weekly Faith Fit Bit tracker.

You will find it to be quite fulfilling and inspiring, cause you certainly don't want to show up to your FFB group with nothing accomplished faith-wise each week. Hold each other accountable. It is so important, like your physical health, to remember to keep your faith in check also. 1 Timothy 4:15 says, "Put these things into practice, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress." So get healthy - physically, yes; spiritually, most definitely.

Discussion: Would you be interested in trying to do an accountability group? Who would be persons who you would trust to hold you accountable to your faith?

Prayer: Lord God, we thank you for Christian brothers and sisters we can trust to hold us accountable for our faith action. Lord, help us to make the time to spur one another on towards love and good deeds. May we take care of both our physical body and spiritual soul in Jesus name, Amen.

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