Thursday, June 11, 2015

365 Days! Enjoy The Ride!

Today is Anton and Kayla's preversary! (We talked about Rob and Ayla's preversary in the very first post in this blog.) In exactly one year, in 365 days, one orbit of the earth around the sun, Anton and Kayla will be united in marriage right here in Central Alabama before our Father and their family and friends. It will be a special, precious memory on this palindrome date next year (2016's Leap Year will push the 11th to a Saturday next year). And even sweeter, the wedding will happen almost 77 years to the day after Anton's namesake, Great Grandpa Anton and his bride Great Grandma Veronica Zimanek got married on June 10, 1939. How beautiful is that?! We are so excited about this upcoming marriage. How excited is Anton? He commented that when he hears the processional music it will take every bit of strength he has not to run halfway down the aisle to meet Kayla and bring her to the altar. That's a man who is ready to be united with his fiance.

We look forward to having Kayla be the next Mrs. Zimanek. She has been a part of our family for years already. Both couples getting married will be engaged for 15 to 16 months by the time their weddings roll around, so everything should be good and ready for the big day. I know Kayla has much organized already. And with Kayla in Troy and Anton here in Prattville, I know both are anxious to be reunited for good on that wedding date.

Rob and Ayla are coming up to their one year engagement anniversary (engagiversary?) on June 24 and can provide Tone and Kayla with any advice you may need in planning and waiting for the wedding date. We told them the time would go swiftly by and here we are just 127 days from their big day!

But our advice would be this: enjoy the ride. You will only be engaged one time in this lifetime, so make sweet memories throughout this last unmarried year. Enjoy the process of selecting and planning everything. Take your time to make wise and profound decisions. This is your day to truly delight in everything that represents you both, so make it count. It will be here before you know it!

Congratulations Anton and Kayla on your preverary. "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24. We love you both and are so happy for you.

Discussion: Do you think the next year will go quickly? What do you think you will be thinking about on this date next year?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we know that every day of our lifetime is a gift and precious moment to serve you. We pray we make the most of every single day. We pray for blessings on both Kayla and Anton throughout this next year and on Rob and Ayla in the few months left before their wedding! In Jesus name, Amen.

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