Thursday, June 25, 2015

Let The Morning Bring Me Word

I try to imagine Christ sitting in my kitchen tapping his fingers on the table watching me as I walk back and forth. Watching me throw in one load of laundry, put out the garbage, grab a bowl of cereal ... waiting for me to just be still and know that He is God. To visit with Him. To share my thoughts, hurts, fears, worries and joys with him. To hear, through His word, what He wants to share with me today. There are some mornings when Christ would be left sitting there all day tapping his fingers waiting. And that's a tragedy. Think of all I'm missing.

A friend tweeted a meme the other day saying the five people you most hang out with are the ones who influence you the most. The meme was designed to get you to think about who your friends are? If they are negative and bitter, are you becoming likewise? If they are gossipers, are you also? If they make poor choices, are you following that example? And contrary to that, if they are enthusiastic, loving, encouraging, are they inspiring those traits in you? As soon as I saw the meme, I thought about those I most hang out with. The first name that came to mind was Christ. And I praise the Father for that. While I may let the busy-ness of my day or my distracted thoughts to take away from time I could and should be having with Him, for the most part, I try to make sure my life revolves around my Lord. And I pray His influence shows. And shouldn't we all have our Lord as one of those top five?

Not everyone has time each day to spend a portion of their mornings in devotion. Nor would we say you absolutely should. But we would certainly encourage it. A time of prayer. A time of Bible reading. Mornings are not my best time of day. I'm a late afternoon gal. Everything kicks in and I'm at the top of my game. You want me to complete a project at peak efficiency with the greatest results, have me do in the afternoon into the night. That said, I still make time nearly every morning for my Father. I have to make the time, because if I'm honest, I'm brain sluggish, have stuff to do and want to get started on my day. But then really, is there any better way to get started? Some folks say their devotion time is right before bed, which is great cause then you're sleeping all filled with the Word. But shouldn't our day begin that way as well? Before our feet hit the floor in the morning, give your day to our Father. Have your Bible sitting right there on your nightstand to reach out and grab His Word for your day. Even if it's just a bit, it's better than nothing at all. Let the Word fill you for the whole day.

I am sitting here writing this in the morning. Eyes half open, sun barely up, bed recently made. I've not had breakfast, coffee or even my devotion time with the Lord (unless you count this). So perhaps, my "not an early riser" comments above should be tweaked a bit. Because with the right motivation (my sweet, precious Father in heaven) you can do good things even during the times of the day that are typically your sluggish times.

Who are you spending time with? How are they influencing you? Can we encourage you, our dear children, to set time aside every single day for God? Psalm 143:8 says, "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life." In Revelation 3:20 it says, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." He's waiting. If you can give Him just a few minutes of your morning, you will find you become addicted to Him. You may find you cannot begin your day without that time. And then you may end up giving Him a few more minutes and then a few more. Give it a shot. We promise it will bless you, your relationships and your day in abundant ways.

Time for my morning devotions. Jesus is waiting.

Discussion: Do you spend time each day in prayer or reading God's Word? Do you pray together? What is a good time for your devotions? Have you tried giving Him a bit of your morning?

Prayer: Good morning, dear Father Almighty! Glory to you! Thank you for your Holy Spirit to teach and guide us this day, and we pray my focus is on you this entire day. Help us to remember to carve time in our day just to spend time with You. Bless me to be a blessing to others through your Word. Holy, holy, holy are You! In Jesus, Amen.

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