Tuesday, June 16, 2015

That Moment

"I had my moment." Those were Kayla's words when she found her wedding gown on Saturday. At the last stop of three scheduled appointments for the day, in a Birmingham bridal store that her friends prophesied she wouldn't leave without having selected her dress, she found success. Like Ayla, Kayla tried on many dresses. Also like Ayla she knew exactly what she wanted, she was just waiting to find the perfect example of it. And find it she did.

The "moment" she is talking about is when the bride-to-be feels it deep in her heart that this is it. This is what I am marrying the man of my dreams in. I saw when Ayla's had hers. You could just see it in her face. She was done. She knew she'd found the perfect gown. Matter of fact, her exact words when she saw herself in the mirror was, "This is what I'm marrying Rob Goggin in." For Kayla, she said it was when she put half her hair up and added a veil ... then the tears came. But it wouldn't be complete until she had her Daddy's approval. So her father drove from Prattville to Birmingham to see his daughter's dream dress .... and approved. Then we all got to see it and likewise approve. All, except for Anton, of course. It's funny cause Rob and Anton have very different reactions to the idea of their fiance's wedding dress. Rob not only doesn't want to see the dress until Ayla walks down the aisle, he doesn't want to see a picture of her in any wedding dress. Anton on the other hand wants to see Kayla in every wedding dress, including the one she selected.

I love the moment when the bride finds her dress any time time I watch "Say Yes To The Dress," "I Found The Gown" or any of the other many bridal gown shows. It is precious and special. She melts, the mom cries, the dad cries.

For Rob and Anton that moment will happen the minute they see their bride headed toward them down the aisle. They will looking at their future Mrs. dressed in one of the most beautiful ensembles of her life. The hair, makeup and dress will be the very best possible for the man she loves. I like to think of it as presenting our best selves to Jesus Christ as our groom, "without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless." (Ephesians 5:7)

The other day I shed a couple tears when watching Kayla's future maid-of-honor, Kim, walk down the aisle to her groom. I couldn't help but think about Ayla walking toward Rob and Anton waiting for Kayla at the front of the church. It won't just be a moment for them. It will be a moment for us ... one to cherish forever. 

Discussion: Do you think it's important for the groom to wait until the wedding day to see the bride in her dress for the first time? Why or why not? Tell about a moment you knew each other was "the one."

Prayer: Father, we thank you that we get to have these beautiful moments in time of beauty and sweetness. We pray, Father, the first time grooms see their future wives-to-be approach them the day of their weddings, that they will feel a warmth and joy in their hearts, and may these ladies take their breath away. In Jesus, Amen..

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