Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Living Water

Last summer when we had gone through a dry period, I was telling my friend, Martina, that even though I was watering every day, it seemed like my plants were just not doing well.

I said to her, "It's almost as if they just need to have..."

"God's water," Martina interrupted.

That is exactly what I was thinking. You may laugh at this but I was honestly thinking they needed rain from the heavens instead of my spicket. They needed God's nutrients instead of whatever was coming from the water treatment plant. Sure enough, as soon as we got some rain, every plant perked up.

It reminded me of how we are as Christians. We may be doing all the good we can, but if we are not worshiping, praying and digging into God's Word regularly and asking the Holy Spirit to do a work in and through us, are we being the perky Christians we're supposed to be. Is it possible we have not refreshed ourselves with the Living Water (John 4:10)?

My dear ones, you will be stretched thin in the years to come (if you aren't already). You will be hard pressed to find time to worship, pray, read the Bible and fellowship with other Christians. It is the evil one's goal to find ways to keep you from the Lord. No matter what you have going on in your lives, we pray you will always find time for Him. My friend, Debbie said to me yesterday, "This is the reason I come to Reunion Group [our accountability group]: to keep my focus on Him." It's our weekly reminder that God is in control, we belong to Him and the victory is His. Without those reminders, we tend to be like the droopy flowers and plants in my yard.

So go to Him every day, several times a day. Remember that you are to glorify Him, love God's children and teach them to glorify Him. And let everything else you do in this life open doors to fulfill those three things. If you think this life is about anything else - for example, about being happy, success, wealth or adventure - you are sorely mistaken. So don't waste you time pursuing things of this earth. Pursue your Father and be enriched by Him. Drink deeply of His Living Water and just watch how you thrive!

Discussion: Do you take time every single day to worship, praise, pray and read the Word? Could you use a bit of Living Water? What are your dreams and goals? Is God part of those dreams? What can you do to focus on God?

Prayer: Thank You, Father, for providing us with the Living Water in Christ Jesus and Your Word. May we drink of it often. Lord, we pray our eyes are fixed on You and that You bless our efforts to bring You glory. In Christ Jesus, Amen.

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