Thursday, June 18, 2015

Into Paradise

Yesterday we received some shocking, sudden and solemn news. Rob's Nana, Irma, passed away. When we heard she was in the hospital we began praying for her. When we heard the situation was not looking good, we got her on prayer chains. And when we learned she had passed away, we told all those praying for her and Rob to continue to remember Rob and his family in their prayers for strength and comfort.

Rob was very close to his Nana, even going on vacations with her, his most recent to Seattle. He loved her very much. His voice was the last she heard before she entered Paradise. Irma's passing broke our hearts. We knew how much she meant to our future son-in-law, and we had so looked forward to meeting this woman that he spoke so highly of. With Ayla and Rob's wedding just four months away, it weighs heavy that she will not be there to witness in person her grandson's marriage. For all of us, there will be an empty space that day.

We don't remotely doubt Irma's current state. Nor does Rob. Face-to-face with the Creator of the universe, in full worship-mode with our Christ, rejoicing and perfectly healed. "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13) And we rejoice and celebrate with her. But the souls left behind miss seeing the face and hearing the voice of the one they love. And that is one of the toughest parts.

Rob's got some rough days ahead. And we will be uplifting him in prayer every time we think of him. We want him so lifted in spirit to the Father that he feels a perfect peace, a strength only explained by faith and grace shown by others all around him.

While Irma will not be physically at this wedding, she will certainly be present in our hearts. If there is a way for her to watch from the arms of her loving Father, we are sure she will celebrating with us. And we will honor her that day.

Rob, we love you. You are so precious to us. Know that we are here for you and covering you with prayer. And are so sorry in the loss of your grandmother. God bless you and your family.

Discussion: Tell of someone who you admire, respect and love that has gone to be with Jesus. What are some ways to honor the memory of precious family members or friends at a wedding?

Prayer: Lord God, we thank you for the life of Irma and the precious relationship Rob had with her. Father, she is has passed through the gates to glory and singing with the angels, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord." Please comfort our future son-in-love and his family. In Christ we pray, Amen.

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