Wednesday, June 10, 2015


I transferred a bush from the front of our house to the back. It wasn't my favorite shrub. A boxwood, it was floundering in its location. So I moved it to the back yard and placed an  azalea in its place. The azalea is thriving. The boxwood dried up and died. It just did not like its new location. Not enough sun? Not enough water? Wrong soil? Too far gone before relocating to its new location? I'm not sure why it didn't make it, but the transplanting didn't work.

You couples may do a lot of transplanting location wise in your marriage. Brad and I have moved many times in our marriage, so we know what it's like to pack up everything and relocate. And it's not fun. While there are always challenges in a move, you can choose to make it work or flounder in your new location. We talked Dec. 29 about the importance of making your home just that, but we wanted to mention somethings to keep in mind should you ever relocate to make the transition smoother.

1) Find a church. Do this as soon as possible. When you are away from family, your church becomes that for you. You may have to do some "church shopping" during those first few weeks or months in a relocation, but finding a church home will make your acclimation to a new area so much smoother.

2) Get involved. You can do this in the church your find, but also find ways to get involved in your community. It will help you get to know the locals and fall in love with your new area. Some places have Newcomers Clubs which are great for making new friends and learning about an area.

3) Prior to moving, get all the information you need about getting a driver's license; connecting utilities and auto, home or renters insurance. Learn about time limits on acquiring official documentation.

4) Find the library. Aside from using the resources there, often you will get information on local events or connect groups.

5) Treat your move like a vacation and explore. See all the local attractions. This will be beneficial when you have out of town guests and want to take them to see the sites.

6) Talk to the locals to get advice on handymen, auto repairs, pest control, seasonal information, hole-in-the-wall restaurants and stores.

7) Become a fan. What's the local high school, college or pro team to support. Get a T-shirt, attend a game or event and start cheering.

8) Look at everyone around you as your new best friend ... cause they just might be.

These are just a few tips. The transition will not be easy. And our advice is to always give a move 365 days so that you can really get to know and love an area. You don't want to isolate yourself, dry up and shrivel like our boxwood. Dig those roots in and grow! You may find that you love every location the Father takes you to ... as we have.

Discussion: How do you feel about moving out of state or out of the country? When you've moved before, how long did it take you to get acclimated to the new area? What tips have you found helpful in relocating. Tell about the blessings of a new location.

Prayer: Father we have no idea what the future holds for Rob, Ayla, Tone and Kayla. You may have them moving to different locations or settled in one area for their whole marriage. Whatever your plans for them, we pray they thrive, grow and blossom! In Jesus, Amen.

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