Monday, June 15, 2015

Wedding Day Coif

A few days ago, Kayla was a bridesmaid in her bestfriend's wedding. Prior to the photo time with the bridal party, Kayla called to ask me to help her with a crisscross style Kim wanted all her bridesmaids to have. I love to do hair, so I was excited to help her. After a pound of Aqua Net, at least 20 bobby pins and a 400 degree F curling wand, she was good to go with only the Alabama humidity and potential Spring rains as the enemies. It got me thinking about wedding hair ... what the bride will wear the day of the nuptials. Now for guys, as usual, it's pretty simple: a good haircut. But for girls it can run the gamut. Hair up? Hair down? Extentions? Curly? Straight? Hair jewelry? Flowers? Headbands? So thought we'd get some tips.

1) First off, don't try a new style the day of the wedding. You're begging for disaster. Try out your style at least once with your veil to see how it will look. Try different styles to see what looks best. If you are having someone style your hair, bring pictures of what your like. Do practice styles at least three months in advance.

2) If you are planning to get a haircut, highlights or coloring done, get it done at least two to four weeks prior to the wedding. That gives it time to grow a bit and soften. Plus if you need to make any changes, it give you time.

3) Get to know your hairspray well. Spray before and after you do anything to your hair. It will help it hold, especially if it's like my hair and falls quickly in humidity. Plus this will help in windy outdoor situations as well.

4) If you have long hair, note that guys like it down. Girls always seem to want to put it up. But if you ask men, more often then not, they want your hair down and looking as close to what they are used to as possible. Of course, we don't always do what they want, but just giving you their perspective. If you want it up, try half up and half down and make everyone happy. 1 Corinthians 11:15 says "if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her."

5) Keep the time of year in mind. Is it hot and humid, then work with your hair. You might need it off your neck then. If it's curly, let it be curly. If it's straight, stick with that.

6) Be sure to eat healthy leading up to the wedding (eat healthy every day). For healthy hair, munch on salmon, yogurt, spinach, poultry, sweet potatoes, cinnamon, eggs, blueberries, carrots, nuts and oysters. You'll get shine, body and strength.

7) Consider your dress. If the dress has a magical back that you want to show off, make sure your hair is high enough to see it.

8) Some brides do two styles: an up do for the ceremony and down for the reception. You can have fun with this if you'd like, but then you need someone to help take care of that the day of.

9) Don't pull back tight at the hairline, even it is half up half down. You'll sometimes look bald in photos.

10) Check all the angles. What do you look like from the front, side and back? People will be seeing all of it the day of, so you want a style that's complimentary from all angles.

You will be lovely no matter how you wear your hair, so have fun and be natural!

Discussion: Have you decided how you want to wear your hair on your wedding day? How does your future spouse want to see you on your wedding day?

Prayer: Father you tell us the hairs on our heads are numbered, that is how much you care for us. We want to look good on our wedding day and pray for weather conducive to it. We love you, Father. Thank you for loving us and for your son, Jesus. In His name we pray, Amen.

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