Monday, June 1, 2015


The other day I was asked by a member at our church to burn a CD of some music for an event. I told her I didn't know if I would be able to since my CD burner had been acting up. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. I searched online for hours for driver updates, new software and firmware and suggested fixes. No matter what I did, nothing worked. So I prayed. Suddenly I stumbled across a suggestion to check the compatibility of the Microsoft windows computer system to Apple's Itunes. Sure enough, it was set to the wrong system under properties. A recent update to Itunes may have changed the compatibility. Once I changed it, the problem was solved, and CDs were burned.

It made me think about couples. You know when people are dating they are examining that very thing: are we compatible? Usually that is something that can be discovered pretty early, but for some folks it takes a little more time. And the sooner that is discovered the better should those relationships need to come to an end.

But when you get to this point - engagement - compatibility has been pretty well sorted, right? Perhaps not. Recently I read about a couple who'd been married for 22 years who got a divorce. The reason? Irreconcilable differences. Say what? After 22 years, now they have irreconcilable differences? Let's face it, those differences have always been there. They have just chosen to let them get in the way of the love and vows they made to one another. They aren't incompatible like two different software systems. They have chosen to not make it work.

Every couple is made up of two different people. Different backgrounds, likes and talents. Some of those things may change over the years, but for the most part what you see is what you get. You are not going to mold one another into something that you desire or deem perfect. So understand that right now. What you love about one another, cherish. What you find different in one another, cherish. Those differences will grow each of you.

If you are compatible now, work hard to keep it that way. You may need updates, new software and firmware or even some fixes throughout the years ahead, but compatibility should already be solved. Embrace what makes you different and how that uniqueness makes you even more precious together.

Discussion: What differences do you love about each other? Are there areas where you need to get on the same page? How important is compatibility to you?

Prayer: Father you have made us all different. We thank you for putting us together with our beloved. Help us to always cherish the differences in each other and work together on our relationship each and every day. In Jesus name, Amen.

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