Monday, June 22, 2015

Compatibility Quiz

When we were out to lunch yesterday, celebrating Father's Day with Kayla's family, we started talking about marriage counseling. Kayla's brother, Tommy, started sharing how he and his wife, Caroline, took a 300-question compatibility test during their counseling. My eyes bugged out. "Did you pass?" I asked. "Well, we're married." So I guess they passed. Tommy explained questions asked them about issues like finances, children and household chores. It was to get you thinking about what your expectations were entering marriage. Caroline explained there is even a test for couple's who've been married for years.

So, of course, as soon as I got home, I decided to look online for one of these tests and take it. It asked questions about politics, interests, religion, sex, money, children, travel, arguments, friends, change, celebrations (like holidays and birthdays) and morality. I was the only one to take the test, so I was representing us both in my one-sided view. The result? "You have a predominately sound and healthy relationship." It said we might need to discuss complicated issues in depth before letting them escalate to arguments. Good advice and pretty accurate on our marriage from my point of view.

But the test brings up an interesting point. Coming from different cultures, backgrounds, discipline experiences, religion, education, locations and the like can influence personality and opinions. And when you are dating, engaged or even married, you may not consider your beloved's political points, way they want to raise children, how they celebrate holidays or how to handle arguments. This is something that is good to speak about the sooner the better. You don't want to get deeper into your relationship and discover you have a major incompatibility issue that needs working on. Now obviously, because you couples are engaged, you've pretty closely examined many of the above issues and know much about each other. But others, you may not have as detailed of an understanding.

So rather than reinvent the wheel, we did a little digging to find some Christian compatibility tests for you both to take. You can check out all the links or one. As believers in more wisdom can only help, it couldn't hurt to check out a few, see if they get some conversations going and prayerfully consider each issue. Be honest when you take the tests. Don't answer what you think your future spouse would want to hear. Little issues can sometimes turn to big issues, so it's better to consider these things early on. Links are below. Have fun!
Discussion: Have you ever taken a compatibility quiz before? Do you think you are compatible? What should you do with results of such a test?

Prayer: Father God, we thank you for the differences in our lives. Bringing two people together, we may have differing views on many things, some which could shape various aspects of our lives together. We pray we discuss these issues thoroughly and go to you for guidance. In Christ we pray, Amen.

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