Monday, January 12, 2015

A Duo

Daddy shared an article with me that he read the other day about a man who was on his death bed singing a song to his wife that he'd written for her long ago. Some of the last words this man spoke to his beloved were the words of his song. The story really touched your Daddy when he showed it to me. I said, "Write me a song," to which he responded, "I don't think I can do that." I said, "It's okay, we already have one." Instantly I started singing,

We're a duo, a duo,
a pair of lonely ones who were meant to be a two.
Oh, a duo, it's true-o,
if we're ever in a stoop,
we know we can make it through,
cuz you've got me and I've got you! 

Your Daddy sang the whole chorus with me. The song comes from An American Tail, a cartoon about a immigrant mouse, Fievel, who ironically sings this song with a cat named Tiger. Interestingly, another song from that movie was sung by your Aunt Jodi at our wedding. The song is called "Somewhere Out There." We love this song because we came from different backgrounds, different environments and different parts of the country and it captures the depth of the love we have for each other. Its lyrics are:

Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight
Somewhere out there someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there

And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star
And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky

Somewhere out there if love can see us through
Then we'll be together somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true 

Our dreams have come true. We have a loving, passionate marriage, a home, precious children, jobs we love and fascinating memories of the journey. I don't know if the two of you have a song that you sing together with sweetness to each other or even a goofy song like "Little Arrows:"
Here they come pouring out of the blue
Little arrows for me and for you
You're falling in love again
Falling in love again.

Little arrows in your clothing
Little arrows in your hair
When you're in love you'll find
Those little arrows everywhere
Little arrows that will hit you once
And hit you once again
Little arrows that hit everybody
Every now and then.

It's said if people get forgetful in their old age, the one thing they do not forget are lyrics to songs. It makes me wonder if people shouldn't put all their words of love to music so that they stay firmly put in the deep recesses of the mind always ready for recollection. 

Our marriage has been a song. Sometimes up tempo, sometimes in the minor keys, sometimes rocking, sometimes a melancholy ballad, but always a song. Your Daddy and I may never be able to write a song to one another, but we'll always be singing nonetheless. Cause "we're a duo, a duo, a pair of lonely ones who were meant to be a two."

Discussion: Is there a love song that speaks to you? Is there a song you've sung to one another? Do you have a song together?

Prayer: Father, we bless you and thank you for music and for sweet songs of love. And we thank you that lyrics and tunes can be permanently etched in our memories. Father, we love you so much. May we sing to you, "sing praises, even with my soul" (Psalm 108:1).

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