Friday, January 16, 2015

A Time To Dance

When I first met your Daddy I asked him if he could dance. His response was, "Someone once told me as long as you move your hips, you can dance." Now he has never had a professional dance lesson ever, but he can certainly move on the dance floor. He just loves to dance. But when we're out there together, it's pretty frightening. I guess the point is, we don't care, cause we have fun.

However, there is that first wedding dance, now isn't there? That time when the bride and groom are front and center at the reception dancing together for the very first time with everyone watching. Your Daddy and I danced to Always by Atlantic Starr. We did the My-Arms-Around-His-Neck/His-Around-My-Waist Sway. Hey,don't knock it, it works in a pinch. Of course these days, people have all kinds of choreographed dances. I think we can thank Dances With The Stars for this movement.

The Lord loves for us to dance. It's all over Scripture. "David danced before the Lord with all his might." (2 Samuel 6:14). Psalm 150:4 says, "Praise him with tambourine and dance." Ecclesiastes 3:4 says "There is a time to dance." It always makes me sad when I hear of Christian denominations that discourage dance. Just watch a baby when music starts. They immediately begin to dance. God loves to watch us dance. We just need to have taste when we do. I don't think he's overly fond of twerking, for example. But I'll bet he loved to watch Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly dance.

At our wedding, one of your Grandpa Lauritzen's best friends, John Sale, was at the reception. John can dance. I mean really dance. My Dad asked him to dance with me. It was one of the most fun dances I have ever been a part of in my life. He could move so well, that I just needed to follow his lead and hang on tight. He made me look like I knew what I was doing. Half way through the dance he said to me, "Don't quit on me." I was thoroughly exhausted, but had an exhilarating time.

So our advice ... dance like no one's watching, as the saying says. If you are uncomfortable with how you dance, get a lesson or two. I know there are several places in your area that provide lessons for engaged couples, like Empire Ballroom Studios, Arthur Murray Dance Studio, Fred Astaire Dance Studio and Bradenton Dance Center. So look into them and see what specials they have. And remember ... the man leads, so let him do so.

And have fun! I know your Daddy and I will be. So right there you should feel quite comfortable on the dance floor, cause lots of folks will be watching us aghast at our pitiful moves in exactly nine months. But we won't care, cause there's a time to dance, and we will be.

Discussion: Do you know what you want to dance your first dance to? Do you plan to take lessons? What do you think of dancing?

Prayer: Father, we thank you for instilling in us a desire to dance, and we especially thank You for those opportunities to dance in praise to you. Father, is it so much fun to dance (and good for us). We pray we have a good - and safe - time dancing at Rob and Ayla's wedding! In Jesus' name, Amen.

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